lisp - lisp interpreter




Lisp is a provisional lisp interpreter. It only runs in eval mode. Built in functions are named in lower case, and case is distinguished. It is being transmuted from a subset of lisp as provided by the Harvard UNIX lisp in use at UCB, to a subset of MIT's MACLISP.

The following functions are provided as machine code:

Lambda functions:

atom dptr load putd rplacd
bcdp drain null putprop set
car eq numberp ratom terpr
cdr equal outfile read
close eval patom readc
concat get pntlen retbrk
cons getd portp return
cont infile print rplaca

Nlambda functions (possibly simulating ones which are normally lambdas):

add1 difference onep quotient zerop
and exit or reset
break go plus setq
cond minus product sub1
cond mod prog sum
def not quote times

The following functions are provided as lisp code (and at the moment must be read in by saying (load 'auxfns):

add copy length numbp
append defevq linelength pp_etc
apply* defprop member reverse
charcnt defprop memcar terpri
chrct diff memcdr
conc last nconc

All of the above functions are documented in the ``Harvard Lisp Manual.''

The following functions are provided as in MIT's MACLISP.

alphalessp do mapc setsyntax
apply explodec mapcar throw
ascii exploden prog2 tyi
catch funcall progn tyipeek
defun implode progv tyo

``Hairy control structure'' is provided by the Nlambda (process command inport outport) where command is an atom whose print name is some command that you would wish typed at the terminal, e.g. ``neqn\ |\ nroff\ \-ms''; where inport and outport are atoms which will be bound to port descriptors for use in communication with the subprocess. Inport is a port to a pipe which will be read by the subprocess as its standard input. If Inport is nil (or not present), the subprocess inherits the standard input, and lisp waits for the subprocess to die. If Inport is the atom t lisp continues without waiting.


Originally written by Jeff Levinsky, Mike Curry, and John Breedlove. Keith Sklower made it work and is maintaining the current version. The garbage collector was implemented by Bill Rowan.


Harvard UNIX Lisp Manual
Maclisp Manual
`UCB Franz Lisp Manual, Version 1 (in preparation)'


The status bits for setsyntax are not the same as for MACLISP.

Closing down a pipe doesn't always seem to work correctly.

Arrays are not implemented in version 1.