Origins and Development of TOPS-20

by Dan Murphy

Copyright (c) 1989, 1996 - Dan Murphy


TOPS-20 was first announced as a DEC product and shipped in January, 1976. Development had started in 1973 based on TENEX[1], an operating system for the PDP-10 then in use at a number of research installations around the country. Many factors were involved in the decision to start TOPS-20 development, but primarily, DEC wanted a new virtual memory operating system for the KL10 processor then in the early stages of development. Although much was added and changed as TENEX became TOPS-20 from 1973 to 1976, most of its architecture remained as it was designed in 1969 at Bolt Beranek _& Newman Inc. (BBN) in Cambridge.
TOPS-20 が DEC の製品として発表され、出荷が開始されたのは 1976 年 1 月のことでした。 その開発は 1973 年に その当時、国内の多くの研究所に導入されていた PDP-10 のオペレーティングシステムだった TENEX [1] をベースにして始まりました。 TOPS-20 の開発に着手する決定には多くの要因が関係していましたが、 本質的に、DEC は 開発の初期段階にあった KL10 プロセッサのための 仮想記憶をサポートした新しいオペレーティングシステムを 必要としていました。 1973年から1976年にかけて、 TENEX を TOPS-20 に変えるための、 多くの追加/修正が施されましたが、 そのアーキテクチャーほとんどのは 1969 年に Cambridge の Bolt Beranek _& Newman Inc (BBN) で行なわれた設計のまま残りました。

Hence, to understand the factors which influenced the design of TOPS-20, we have to look back to the late 1960s and the environment in which TENEX was created. Some of the ideas that went into TENEX, and the process which ultimately brought it into DEC, had roots going back to the early 1960's. In this section, we will trace these aspects of TOPS-20's history.
したがって、 TOPS-20 の設計に影響を及ぼした要因を理解するためには、 私たちは TENEX が開発された 1960 年代後半の環境を 振り返らなければなりません。 TENEX に取り入れられた幾つかのアイデアと 最終的にそれが DEC にもたらされた経緯には 1960年代初めまで遡る起源がありました。 このセクションでは、 これらの TOPS-20 の歴史の状況について辿ります。

I was an undergraduate at MIT from 1961 to 1965. After receiving my degree in 1965, I went to work for BBN doing various system programming activities and, in particular, supporting the LISP system then in use for AI research. I was involved in the design of TENEX and implemented a number of its kernel modules from 1968 to 1972 and then came to DEC along with TENEX in 1973.
1961 年から 1965 年まで、私は MIT の学部生でした。 1965 年に学位を取得した後、 私は BNN に就職し、さまざまなシステムプログラミングの活動、 特にその当時 AI の研究に使われていた LISP システムのサポートを行ないました。 1968 年から 1972 年まで、 私は TENEX の設計に関わり いくつかのカーネルモジュールを実装しました。 その後 1973 年に、 TENEX と一緒に DEC に来ました。

DEC bought TENEX in 1973, believing that it represented a good base for a new, state-of-the-art commercial system. However, as with other "overnight sensations", this was just the final step in a flirtation between DEC and BBN that had gone on over many years. In 1961, BBN was one of the first sites external to DEC to install and use a PDP-1 (DEC's first computer), and did some early experiments in timesharing using this machine and some locally designed modifications. This is generally recognized as the first practical timesharing system. During the subsequent years, many discussion took place between the two companies about the best way to design and build computers.
1973 年に DEC は最先端技術を用いた全く新しい商業システムの ベースになると信じて TENEX を購入しました。 しかしながら、これは "overnight sensations" のような、 DEC と BBN との間で長年に渡って続けられた密月の最終ステップでした。 1961 年、 BBN は PDP-1 (DEC 初のコンピュータ) を導入し使用していた DEC の社外の初期サイトの1つで、 このマシンに部分的に手直しをしたものを使って、 初期のタイムシェアリングに関する幾つかの実験を行ないました。 続く数年は、 コンピュータの設計と製造に関する最良の方法について、 この2つの会社の間で多くの議論が発生しました。

Paging Development in the 1960'S
1960 年代のページングの開発

One such area of discussion was paging and memory management. BBN was pursuing a number of AI research projects in LISP, and these typically required a large amount of random access memory. Few computers of that day (and none that BBN could afford) had the size of memory that was required, so various alternative techniques had been sought to work around the limitation [2]. Paging and "virtual memory" was one in which there was a great deal of interest. There was a LISP system running on the PDP-1 at BBN, and I had converted it to use a software paging system that I had developed earlier at MIT.
議論した領域の1つにページングとメモリ管理がありました。 BBN は LISP による AI (人工知能) の研究プロジェクトを推進しており、 これは大量のランダム・アクセス・メモリーを必要としました。 (BBN には調達するだけの余裕はなかったのですが) その当時は必要とされる容量のメモリが搭載されているコンピュータは限られており、 そのため、その制限に対処できるさまざまな代替技術が模索されていました。 ページングと「仮想記憶」は多くの関心を集めるものでした。 BBN には PDP-1 の上で稼働する LISP システムがあり、 私が以前 MIT で開発したソフトウェアによるページングシステムを移植しました。

This system used a high speed drum as backing store for main memory, and divided both main memory and the drum into fixed size units (pages) that could be copied back and forth as necessary. The LISP system itself used 18-bit pointers and was built as if there were an 18-bit (262 kword) memory on the machine. However, with software paging, each reference to the target of one of these pointers was changed to a subroutine call (or in-line sequence). The subroutine would take the high order few bits of the pointer as an index into an array (the page table) which would contain the actual current location of the page. If the page were then in main memory, the page number bits from the table would replace those which had been used as the index into the table, and the reference would be completed. If the desired page were not in main memory, a call would be made to a "page manager" routine to rearrange things as necessary. That meant selecting a page in main memory to be moved (copied) back to the drum, and then reading into this page the desired page from the drum. Finally, the table would be adjusted to reflect these changes, and the reference sequence begun again.
このシステムはメインメモリのための backing store として高速ドラムを使用し、 メインメモリ、ドラムの両方を固定サイズのユニット (ページ) に分割していたので、 必要なときには相互にコピーすることができました。 LISP システム自体は 18 ビットのポインターを使用して、 あたかもマシン上に 18ビット (262 kword) のメモリがあるかのように 構成されていました。 しかしながら、ソフトウェア・ページングでは、 これらの任意のポインターのターゲットの個別の参照は サブルーチンの呼び出し (あるいはインラインのシーケンス) に置き換えられました。 サブルーチンはポインタの上位の数ビットを ページの実際の現在位置を含んでいる配列 (ページテーブル) への インデックスとします。 ページがメインメモリに存在すれば、 テーブルのインデックスとして使用されたものは テーブルのページ番号ビットに置き換えられ、 参照は完了します。 必要なページがメインメモリになければ、 "page manager" ルーチンを呼び出し、 必要な再調整を行います。 それはメインメモリ中のページを選択しドラムに移動させた (コピーする) のちに、 このページにドラムから必要ページを読むことを意味します。 最後にテーブルにこの変更を反映した調整を行い、 もう一度参照の参照のシーケンスを始めます。

In actual use, this system was fairly effective. The reference patterns of the typical LISP programs that we were running were such that the system was not dominated by waits for drum IO. That is, most pointer references were to pages then in main memory, and only a small fraction were to pages which had to be read in from the disk*.
実際の使用では、 このシステムがかなり有効でした。 私たちが実行していた LISP プログラムの典型的な参照パターンでは、 システムはドラム入出力待ちの影響は受けませんでした。 すなわち、 ほとんどのポインター参照はメインメモリ上のページへのもので、 ディスクから読み込まれたページはごく小数でした。*

[* - Several studies, some by us at BBN, had been done to investigate memory reference behaviour and gather statistics from various programs [3].]
BBN に所属する私たちの誰かのいくつかの研究では、 メモリ参照の振る舞いとが調査され、 様々なプログラムから統計を集められました。

However, the actual number of references was sufficiently high that a great deal of time was spent in the software address translation sequence, and we realized that, ultimately, this translation must be done in hardware if a truly effective paged virtual memory system were to be built.
しかしながら、 実際の参照回数は十分に高く、 ソフトウェアによるアドレス変換シーケンスで 多くの時間が費やされたました。 結局、 もし本当に効果的なページングによる仮想記憶システムを構築しようするなら、 この変換はハードウェアで行わなければならないことを悟りました。

Early interest in the PDP-6 and first 36-bit product cancellation.
PDP-6 への初期の関心と最初の 36-bit 製品の中止

The PDP-6 had been announced in 1964 and was immediately the machine of choice for LISP programming. A single word holding two addresses (a CAR and CDR in LISP terms) seemed designed especially for LISP (this wasn't mere coincidence). The big (for the time) address space of 2_^18 words offered the promise of fast, efficient execution of large LISP programs. Although the basic instruction set didn't include a CONS instruction (the LISP primitive that builds lists), one early PDP-6 had a special modification installed to provide that operation. This was the machine that was installed at the AI Lab of Stanford University, headed by one of the inventors of LISP, John McCarthy.
PDP-6 は 1964 年の発表直後より、 LISP プログラミングのために選択すべきマシンになりました。 2つのアドレス (LISP 用語の CAR および CDR) を保持する単一のワードは、 特に LISP のために設計されたように見えました。 (これは単なる一致ではありませんでした) (その時点で) 2^18 ワードの大きなアドレス空間は、 大規模な LISP プログラムの速く効率的な実行の見込みを提示しました。 基本的な命令セットは CONS 命令 (リストを構築する LISP の原始関数) を含んでいませんでしたが、 初期の PDP-6 の1台には、 そのオペレーションを提供する特別の修正がインストールされていました。 これは LISP の発明者の1人である John McCarthy が率いる Stanford University の AI Lab に設置されたマシンでした。

The group at BBN had every intention of acquiring a PDP-6 to improve our LISP capabilities, but of course, we wanted it to have hardware paging so that we could carry over the paging techniques from our PDP-1 LISP. Several discussions were held between BBN and DEC, including Win Hindle and Alan Kotok on the DEC side. BBN was lobbying for paging to be included in a subsequent PDP-6 model, or possibly as an add-on, but these discussion came to an end when DEC announced that there would be no further PDP-6 models -- that is, that DEC was going out of the 36-bit business. This (1966) was the first of several such occasions.
BBN のグループは、 私たちの LISP の能力を改善するため PDP-6 の調達を固く決意していましたが、 しかし、もちろん、 それにはハードウェアによるページングを行ってほしかった。 私たちの PDP-1 LISP からページングの技術を持ち越すことができたからです。 BBN と DEC の間でいくつかの議論が持たれました。 DEC 側からは Win Hindle と Alan Kotok も参加していました。 BBN は 後の PDP-6 のモデルに含まれたか、おそらくアドオン製品になった、 ページング機能のためのロビー活動をしていました。 しかし、これ以上の PDP-6 のモデルはないことを DEC が発表した時、 これらの議論は終りました。 -- すなわち DEC は 36-bit のビジネスから撤退しました。 (1966 年に起きた) この出来事は (この後) 幾つも起きたこの種の出来事の最初でした。

A Detour and Learning Experience

Taking DEC at its word, BBN turned its attention to selecting another machine, hopefully one with an expanding future, that we could use to support our various research projects. The result of this selection process was the purchase of an SDS-940. SDS was Scientific Data Systems in El Segundo, California, later acquired by Xerox and known as XDS. The SDS-940 was a 24-bit word machine with a modest virtual address space, but it did have hardware paging capabilities. Also, SDS was touting as a follow-on, the Sigma-7 then under development, which would be larger, faster, and do all the things we could ever possibly want. If it did, we never found out because by the time it came out, the DEC KA-10 had been announced (or at least leaked), and we happily switched back to the architecture we really wanted.
DEC の撤退は、 BBN を 将来の発展が期待でき、 様々な研究プロジェクトをサポートするために利用できるであろう 別の機械の選択に向かわせました。 この選択作業の結論は SDS-940 の購入でした。 SDS とは後に Xerox によって買収され XDS として知られた、 California の El Segundo にある Scientific Data Systems のことでした。 SDS-940 はささやかな仮想アドレス空間を持つ 24-bit のワードマシンでしたが、 ハードウェアによるページング機能を備えていました。 さらに SDS はその後続として、 その時開発中だった Sigma-7 を売り込んでいました。 それはより大きく、より早く、そしておそらく 私たちがこれまで望んできた全てのことができるものでした。 (もっとも)もしそれが実現されたとしても、 採用されることはなかったでしょう。 それが出荷されるまでに、 DEC の KA-10 が発表され (少なくとも漏れた)、 幸運にも我々が本当に望んだアーキテクチャーに変わっていたからです。

It was also a factor that the Sigma-7 suffered a bit of schedule slippage. Yes, this actually happened despite firm assurances from SDS that no such thing was possible. SDS had even published several ads in trade magazines touting their forthcoming system as "the best timesharing system not yet available". Another memorable ad read "they said we must be crazy to publish a firm software development schedule, but here it is." Apparently, "they" were right because that firm schedule went the way of most "firm" software development schedules of the period.
さらに Sigma-7 は少々スケジュールが遅れているという要因もありました。 そう、 SDS からの「そのようなことは起こり得ない」という固い保証にもかかわらず、 これは現実に起こりました。 SDS は 「これまでにない最高のタイムシェアリング・システム」として 業界誌に近々発表されるシステムを宣伝する様々な広告を掲載していました。 その時読んだ別の記憶すべき広告では 「堅固なソフトウェアの開発スケジュールを公表することはバカげたことですが、 それはこれです。」 と彼らは語っていました。 明らかに、 その堅いスケジュールは 期間内の「最も堅い」ソフトウェア開発スケジュールでしたので、 「それら」は正しかったといえます。

The former ad also inspired someone at DEC to create a counter ad for TOPS-10 which read "announcing the best timesharing system very much available."
前述の広告は DEC の誰かをを刺激し、 それに対抗する 「既に存在する最良のタイムシェアリング・システムの発表」という TOPS-10 の広告を作成しました。

BBN did use the SDS-940 for a couple of years however, and we ran on it an operating system developed by a group at U.C. Berkeley. That was significant because a number of features in the Berkeley timesharing system were later modified and adopted into TENEX.
しかしながら、 BBN は数年間 SDS-940 を使用し、 その上で U.C. Berkeley のグループが 開発したオペレーティングシステムを稼働させました。 Berkeley timesharing system の多くの機能が 後に修正され、TENEX に導入されたことは特筆すべきことでした。

The 36-bit machine is born again.

When BBN found out the DEC had secretly gone back into the 36-bit business (or at least was developing a new machine of that architecture), we once again lobbied for the inclusion of a hardware paging system. And once again, this was to no avail. One advancement in the KA-10 was the dual protection and relocation registers (the PDP-6 had only a single pair). This allowed programs to be divided into two segments: a reentrant, read-only portion, and a read-write data area. That, however, was as far as DEC was willing to go at that time in advancing the state of the art of operating system memory managment support.
DEC が秘密裏に 36-Bit のビジネスへ戻ったことを BBN が知った時 (少なくともそのアーキテクチャーの新しいマシンの開発は進められてました)、 私たちは再びハードウェアによるページングシステムのサポートさせるために ロビー活動をしましたが、これもまた無駄に終りました。 KA-10 の1つの進歩は2重の保護と再配置レジスタでした。 (PDP-6 では1組しか持っていませんでした) これはリエントラントな読み出し専用の部分と読出し書込みデータ・エリアの、 2つのセグメントに分割されるプログラムを可能にしました。 しかしながら、 あの当時の DEC がオペレーティングシステムでのメモリ管理の 最先端技術のサポートを自ら着手するのは遠い将来のことでした。

Another factor was DEC's firm intent to keep down the price of this new large machine. DEC was doing well with small machines (PDP-5 and PDP-8 in particular), but the PDP-6 had suffered numerous engineering and reliability problems, was hard to sell, and, some say, almost wrecked the company. The KA-10 had a design constraint that a minimal machine could be configured and sold for under $100,000. This configuration was limited to 16 kwords of main memory and had no solid-state registers for the 16 accumulators (all AC references went to main memory at considerable cost in speed). To support this, a "tiny" build of TOPS-10 was designed which would fit in 8 kwords, and various utilities were similarly squeezed: the 1K PIP, etc. Whether the $99,999 entry price was a good marketing ploy is hard to say. In any case, none of that configuration were ever sold.
もう一つの要因は この新しい大きなマシンの価格を抑えようとする DEC の強い意志でした。 DEC は小さなマシン (具体的には PDP-5 や PDP-8) ではうまくやっていました。 しかし PDP-6 では多くの技術的および信頼性に関する問題を経験したため、 それを販売することは難しく、誰かは会社を破滅させると語っていました。 KA-10 は最小構成のマシンで、かつ 100,000 ドル未満で販売できるという、 設計上の制約を持っていました。 この構成ではメインメモリは 16K ワードに制限されており、 16本のアキュームレータも半導体によるレジスタではありませんでした。 (これにより、全ての AC 参照はメインメモリに集中し、 動作速度に考慮すべき損失をもたらしました) これをサポートするため、 TOPS-10 の「小さな」ビルドは 8K ワードにフィットし、 1K の PIP など様々なユーティリティも同様に圧縮されて設計されました。 99,999ドルのエントリー価格がよいマーケティング策略だったかどうかは 答えることが難しいでしょう。どんな場合も、 その構成で販売されることはなかったからです。

Then too, paging and "virtual memory" were still rather new concepts at that time. Significant commercial systems had yet to adopt these techniques, and the idea of pretending to have more memory that you really had was viewed very skeptically in many quarters.
その当時でもまだページングや「仮想記憶」はいささか新しい概念でした。 重要な商用システムではまだこれらの技術を採用していませんでしたし、 実際よりも多くのメモリを持っているように見せかけるアイデアは、 各方面から大変懐疑的に見られていました。

Paging Requirement Leads to New Operating System

Undaunted by DEC's refusal to see the wisdom of our approach, BBN nonetheless planned the purchase of several KA10's and set about figuring out how to turn them into the system we really wanted. In addition to the 36-bit architecture we favored, the KA10 system had retained much of the hardware modularity of the PDP-6 including in particular the memory bus with independent memory units. This led us to conceive of the idea of putting a mapping device between the processor and the memories which would perform the address translation as we wanted it done.
私たちのアプローチの知恵を知ることを拒絶する DEC にもにひるまず、 それにもかかわらず BBN はいくつかの KA10 の購入を計画し、 それを私たちの望むものへの変更方法を明らかにすること着手しました。 私たちが支持した 36-bit のアーキテクチャーに加えて、 KA10 システムは特にメモリユニットに依存しないメモリバスなど、 PDP-6 のハードウェアのモジュラリティ以上のものを持っていました。 これが私たちにプロセッサとメモリの間にマッピングデバイスを置く アイデアを思いつかせました。

Another decision we had to make was whether or not to attempt to modify TOPS-10 to support demand paging. The alternative was to build a new system from scratch, an ambitious undertaking even in those days. Obviously, we decided to build a new system -- the system which was later named TENEX. This decision was justified largely on the grounds that major surgery would be required to adopt TOPS-10 as we desired, and even then we probably wouldn't be able to solve all the problems. In retrospect, this view was probably justified since, although TOPS-10 development continued for nearly 20 years after we started TENEX, TOPS-10 was never modified to have all of the virtual memory features of TENEX/TOPS-20. TOPS-10 did ultimately support paging and virtual memory, but not the various other features.
私たちがしなければならなかったもう一つの決断は、 デマンド・ページングをサポートするために TOPS-10 の修正を試みるべきか、否かでした。 その代案はスクラッチから新しいシステムを開発することで、 それはその当時としても野心的な取り組みでした。 当然、私たちは新しいシステムを開発することを決定しました -- これが後に TENEX と名付けられたシステムです。 この決定は主に我々が望むものを TOPS-10 に追加するためには大手術が必要で、 仮にその作業を行ってもおそらく全ての問題は解決できないと 思われることを根拠に正当だとされました。 思い返せば、 TENEX が始まった後 TOPS-10 の開発が 20 年近く継続されたましたが、 おそらくこの見方は正しかったでしょう。 TOPS-10 は TENEX/TOPS-20 の仮想記憶の機能の全てを サポートするために修正されることはありませんでした。 結局 TOPS-10 もページングと仮想記憶はサポートしましたが、 その他の数々の機能はサポートされませんでした。

Beyond that, there were a number of other features not related to paging that we wanted in an operating system. This further tilted the decision toward implementation of a new system. On the other hand, we had no desire or ability to implement new versions of the many language compilers and utilities then available under TOPS-10, so a method of running these images "as is" was needed. We decided it would be possible to emulate the operating system calls of TOPS-10 with a separate module which would translate the requests into equivalent native services. This is described in more detail later. The plan then, would be to implement a new system from the operating system interface level down plus particular major systems such as LISP that were key to our research work.
そのほかに、 我々がオペレーティングシステムに望む、 ページングに関係のない多くのその他の機能がありました。 これがより一層新しいシステムを実装する決定に傾けました。 一方、私たちには その時の TOPS-10 で利用可能だった、 欲しい、あるいは使える 多くの言語コンパイラやユーティリティの 新しいバージョンの実装がありませんでした。 したがって、これらの "as is" の状態のイメージを稼働させる方法が必要でした。 我々は、独立したモジュールとして 要求を等価なネーティブサービスに変換する TOPS-10 のオペレーティング システム呼び出しのエミュレーションを実装することは可能だと決断しました。 これについては詳細を後述します。 その時の計画は オペレーティングシステムのインタフェース以下の新しいシステムに加え、 我々の研究の鍵となる LISP などの特定の大きなシステムを実装することでした。

Virtual memory through paging was the fundamental need that led to the decision to build TENEX. Had TOPS-10 or another system been available which supported only that requirement, we probably would have used it and not undertaken the construction of a new kernel. The other desires we had for our system would not have been sufficient to warrant such an effort, and of course, we did not foresee all of the capabilities that it would eventually have.
ページングによる仮想記憶が TENEX を開発する決定させる基本的なニーズでした。 その要求だけを満たすのなら TOPS-10 や その他のシステムでも利用可能でした。 おそらく我々はそれが使い、 新しいカーネルの構築に着手することは避けたかったのです。 我々がシステムに望んだその他の要求は そのような努力を保証するためには十分ではなかったでしょう。 そしてもちろん、 我々はそれが最終的に獲得した能力全てを予測することはできませんでした。


TENEX development was motivated largely by the needs of various research programs at BBN, Artificial Intelligence in particular. These needs were shared by a number of other labs supported by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the DOD, and in the period from 1970 to 72, a number of them installed TENEX and made it the base for their research programs. As noted before, a large virtual memory was foremost among these needs because of the popularity and size of the LISP programs for speech recognition, image processing, natural language processing, and other AI projects.
TENEX の開発の大部分は BBN での様々な研究プログラム (特に人工知能) でのニーズによって動機づけられました。 これらのニーズは DOD の高等研究計画局 (ARPA) が支援する、 その他の多くの研究室とも共有していました。 そして 1970 年から 72 年までの期間に、 彼らの多くは TENEX をインストールし、 研究プログラムのベースとしました。 先に述べたように、 音声認識、 イメージプロセシング、 自然言語処理、 あるいはその他の AI プロジェクトに使われる LISP プログラムの人気とその大きさのため、 広大な仮想記憶はこれらのニーズに共通した最も重要なものでした。

During this same period, the ARPA network was being developed and came on line. TENEX was one of the first systems to be connected to the ARPANET and to have OS support for the network as a general system capability. This further increased its popularity.
同じ期間に、ARPA ネットワークが開発されており、立ち上がりました。 TENEX は ARPANET に接続され、 一般的なシステムの機能として、 ネットワークが OS でサポートされた 最初のシステムのうちの1つでした。 これはさらにその人気を増加させました。

Like most other software systems, TENEX was an amalgam of ideas from a number of sources. Most of the features which came to be prized in TOPS-20 had roots in other systems. Some were taken largely unchanged, some were modified in ways that proved to be critical, and others served merely as the germ of an idea hardly recognizable in the final system. Among those that we can trace to one or more previous systems are: "escape recognition", virtual memory structure, process structure and its uses, and timesharing process scheduling techniques.
多くの他のソフトウェア・システムと同じように、 TENEX は多くのソースからのアイデアの融合体でした。 TOPS-20 の中で重視されるほとんどの機能は他のシステムにルーツを持っていました。 あるものはその大半を手直しすることなく使用し、 致命的だと判定されたものは修正され、 その他のものは単に 最終のシステムにはとても残りそうにないアイデアの種として提供されました。 私たちが前身の、あるいはその祖先のシステムまで辿ることのできるものは "escape recognition"、 仮想記憶の構造、 プロセス構造およびその用途、 タイムシェアリングのプロセスをスケジュールする技術 が上げられます。

Three system most directly affected the design of TENEX -- the MULTICS system at MIT, the DEC TOPS-10 system, and the Berkeley timesharing system for the SDS 940 computer. MULTICS was the newest and most "state of the art" system of that time, and it incorporated the latest ideas in operating system structure. In fact, it was popular in some circles to say that, with the implementation of MULTICS, "the operating system problem had been solved". Several members of the MIT faculty and staff who had worked on MULTICS provided valuable review and comment on the emerging TENEX design.
最も直接的に TENEX の設計に影響を与えたのは、 MIT の MULTICS システム、 DEC TOPS-10 システム、 および SDS 940 コンピューター用の Berkeley timesharing system の3システムです。 MULTICS は最も新しく、その時点での「最先端技術」によるシステムで、 オペレーティングシステムの構造に関する 最も新しいアイデアを具体化したものでした。 実際、MULTICS の実装によって 「オペレーティングシステムの問題は解決された」と述べる集団の中では 人気がありました。 MULTICS に関わる多くの MIT の教員やスタッフが 新たに開発される TENEX の設計について 価値のある論評およびコメントを提供してくれました。

Many of the paging concepts came from our own previous work, the PDP-1 LISP system in particular. Other ideas had recently appeared in the operating system literature, including the "working set" model of program behaviour by Peter J. Denning[4]. MULTICS had developed the concept of segmentation and of file-process mapping, that is, using the virtual address space as a "window" on data which permanently resides in a file.
ページングに関する概念の多くは我々自身のこれまでの仕事、 特に PDP-1 LISP システムから来ました。 その他のアイデアは Peter J. Denning による プログラムの立ち振舞いの "working set" モデル [4] を含む、 近年のオペレーティングシステムに関する文献から引用されました。 MULTICS はセグメンテーションの概念と ファイル−プロセス・マッピングの概念により開発されました。 ファイル−プロセス・マッピングの概念とは ファイルの中に定常的に存在するデータの「ウィンドウ」として 仮想アドレス空間を使用するものです。

The Berkeley 940 system had a multi-process structure, with processes that were relatively inexpensive to create. That in turn allowed such things as a system command language interpreter which ran in unprivileged mode and a debugger which did not share address space with the program under test and therefore was not subject to being destroyed by a runaway program.
Berkeley 940 system は生成のコストが比較的軽いプロセスによる マルチプロセス構造を持っていました。言い換えると、 それは特権のないモードで実行するシステム・コマンド言語インタープリターや、 対象となっているプログラムとアドレス空間を共有しない、 故に暴走プログラムによって破壊される被害のないデバッガを許しました。

Virtual Memory and Process Address Space

These two concepts, virtual memory and multiple processes, were fundamental to the design of TENEX, and ultimately were key to the power and flexibility of TOPS-20. The two abstractions also worked well together. The concept of a process included a virtual address space of 262 kwords (18-bit addresses) -- the maximum then possible under the 36-bit instruction set design. Extended addressing was still many years away, and the possibility that more than 262k might ever be needed rarely occurred to anyone.
仮想記憶とマルチプロセスという、 これら2つの概念は TENEX の設計の基本であり、 結局 TOPS-20 の能力と柔軟性の鍵となりました。 2つの抽象化された概念の併用は功を奏しました。 プロセスの概念には 262K word の仮想アドレス空間 (18-Bit のアドレス空間) を含んでいました -- その後、最大 36-Bit のインストラクションセットによる設計が可能になりましたが。 アドレッシングの拡張はまだ何年も先のことでしたし、 262K word 以上必要となる可能性は滅多にないと誰もが考えました。

We merely wanted the full virtual address space to be available to every process, with no need for the program itself to be aware of demand paging or to "go virtual". We believed that mechanisms could be built into the paging hardware and operating system to track and determine process working sets, and it would do as good a job at managing memory efficiently as if the program explicitly provided information (which might be wrong). It might happen, of course, that a particular program had too large a working set to run efficiently in the available physical memory, but the system would still do the best it could and the program would make some progress at the cost of considerable drum thrashing. In any event, the implementation of virtual memory was to be transparent to user programs.
私たちは稼働中の全てのプロセスに プログラム自体がデマンドページングや仮想への移行を意識する必要のない 十分な仮想アドレス空間のみを望みました。 私たちはページングを行うハードウェアとオペレーティング・システムに プロセス・ワーキングセットを追跡し決定するメカニズムを組み込むことができ、 それはあたかもプログラムが明示的に情報を提供したかのように メモリを効率良く管理する仕事を行うと信じました。 (それは間違いだったかもしれません) もちろん、利用可能な物理メモリーの中で効率よく実行するため、 特定のプログラムが大き過ぎるワーキングセットを持つことは起こるかもしれません。 しかし、それでもシステムはでき得る最善を尽くすでしょうし、 そのプログラムによって相当なドラムのスラッシングという 代償を払うことになるでしょう。 どんな場合でも、 仮想記憶の実装はユーザのプログラムには気付かれないものでした。

Page Reference History Information

To support transparent demand-paged virtual memory, we had learned that we had to maintain history information about the behaviour of programs and the use of pages. This led to the design and inclusion of the "core status table" in the hardware paging interface. Other tables (i.e. page tables) would hold information that provided the virtual-to-physical address translation; the core status table was specified to hold information related to the dynamic use and movement of pages. For each physical page in use for paging, the core status table would record: (1) a time-stamp of the last reference, and (2) an identification of the processes that had referenced the page. The latter was included because we expected that there would often be many processes sharing use of a given page. The need for sharing was represented in several other aspects of the paging design as well[5].
透明なページが要求につけられた仮想記憶を支??キるために、私たちは、プログラムの振る舞いおよびページの使用に関する歴史情報を維持しなければならないことを知りました。これはハードウェアにページをつけるインターフェースで、「中核ステータス・テーブル?vのデザインおよび包含に結びつきました。他のテーブル(つまりページ・テーブル)は、物理アドレスに仮想翻訳を提供した情報を保持するでしょう;中核ステータス・テーブルは、ページの動的な使用および移動と関係する情報を保持すると明示されました。ページングのための使用での個々の物理的なページについては、中核ステータス・テーブルが記録するでしょう:(1) 最後の参照のタイムスタンプ、および(2)ページに参照を付けたプロセスの識別。多くのプロセスが与えられたページの使用をしばしば共有するだろうと私たちが期待したので、後者が含まれていました。共有の必要は、ページをつける設計の他のいくつかの様相の中で同様に表わされました[5].

Shared Pages and File-to-Process Mapping

The perceived need for sharing pages of memory and the segmentation ideas we had seen in Multics led to the design of the file-to-process mapping capabilities. In the paging hardware, this was supported by two types of page table entries, "shared" and "indirect", in addition to the "private" type that would contain a direct virtual-to-physical mapping. These allowed the physical address of a shared page to be kept in one place even though the page was used in many places, including in the address space of processes that were swapped out. The "indirect" pointer eventually allowed another capability that we didn't initially foresee -- the ability to make two or more process address spaces equivalent, not only with regard to the data contained therein, but with regard to the mapping as well*.
Multics に見られるメモリのページ共有とセグメンテーションの 必要性を認めるアイデアは file-to-process マッピングの機能を設計に結び付きました。 ページングハードウェアでは、これは 直接の仮想−物理マッピングを意味する "private" に加えて、 "shared" と "indirect" の2種類のページテーブルエントリによってサポートされます。 これらはスワップアウトされているプロセスのアドレス空間を含めて、 ページが多くの場所の中で使用されたとしても、 共有されるページの物理アドレスを1つの場所に維持されることを可能にしました。 また "indirect" ポインターは私たちが最初に予知しなかった別の能力 -- そこに含まれているデータだけでなくマッピングに関しても 2つ以上のプロセスのアドレス空間を同様に等価にする能力 も可能にしました

[* - This allows, for example, a Unix-type "fork" operation to create the child address space very cheaply whether or not it is later replaced by an EXEC.
例えばこれは 後に EXEC によって置き換えられるか否かに関わらず、 大変安く子プロセスのアドレス空間を生成する Unix の "fork" 操作のようなことを可能にします。 ]

In software, we wanted to achieve some of the benefits of Multics "segmentation", but the PDP-10 address space wasn't large enough to use the Multics approach directly. Consequently, we decided to extend the idea of named memory down to the page level and to allow mapping to be done on a page-by-page basis. The result of this was the fundamental design of the TENEX/TOPS-20 virtual memory architecture, specifically:

Copy-on-write pages

We knew that most sharing would be of read-only data, especially of program text and constant data, but that any program might contain initialized variables which would eventually be written. Beyond that, almost any normally read-only data might be modified under some circumstances, e.g. insertion of a break point for debugging. In the LISP system, vast amounts of program were represented as LISP structures, and these structures could be edited and modified by the user.

Hence, it wasn't acceptable to enforce read-only references on the bulk of this storage, nor would it be efficient to copy it each time a process used or referenced it. That would defeat much of the sharing objective. The solution we devised was the "copy-on-write" page. This meant that the page would remain shared so long as only read or execute references were made to it, but if a process tried to write it, a copy would be made and the process map adjusted to contain the copy. This would happen transparently to the process. True read-only enforcement was available of course, and the actual file contents (e.g. of a system program executable file) were appropriately protected against modification, but the user could map any such pages copy-on-write, and a write reference would then merely result in a modified copy being used.

Design Lessons Learned

Multics may be said to have contributed more than just the ideas for virtual memory organization and other specific capabilities. During the design of TENEX, we invited some of the Multics designers and implementors to review our progress and decisions. As is often the case, we had fallen into the trap of trying to do too much in a number of areas and had produced some designs that were quite convoluted and complex. Several people from Multics beat us up on those occasions, saying "this is too complicated -- simplify it! Throw this out! Get rid of that!" We took much of that advice (and could probably have taken more), and I credit these reviews with making the core capabilities significantly easier to understand and program, as well as to implement and debug.

This was one of the earliest occasions when I really began to appreciate the fact that a complex, complicated design for some facility in a software or hardware product is usually not an indication of great skill and maturity on the part of the designer. Rather, it is typically evidence of lack of maturity, lack of insight, lack of understanding of the costs of complexity, and failure to see the problem in its larger context.

The time from when the first word of TENEX code was written to when the system was up and serving regular users was about six months -- remarkable even for that era. The system was far from complete at that point, but BBN internal users were making effective use of it.

One of the things that contributed to such speedy development was our concern for debugging support. DDT was the standard symbolic debugger on the PDP-10, and it had been evolved from predecessor versions on the PDP-6, PDP-1, and TX-0 (an experimental machine at MIT that preceded the PDP-1). DDT had a lot of power for its time, and even today remains the choice of some experienced users despite the availability of screen- and window-oriented debugging systems. DDT ran in both exec (kernel) mode and user mode under TOPS-10, and we supported both on TENEX as well.

In addition, we provided a way for DDT to run under timesharing while looking at the system code and data structures. This allowed several developers to be debugging system code at the same time, at least to a limited extent. Even breakpoints could be handled, provided that no other process would execute the code while the breakpoint was in place. In all modes, DDT had the full set of symbols available to it, so we were able to debug without constant referral to listings and typing of numeric values.

In user mode, DDT could be added to any program even if it were already running. Previous systems required that debugging be anticipated by linking the debugger with the program. In TENEX, DDT was merely mapped when needed at a high unused address in the address space well out of the way of most programs. An even more powerful version of DDT, called IDDT (for invisible) ran in a separate process from the program being debugged. Thus, it was impervious to memory corruption by the program under test, and it could intercept any and all illegal actions. Unfortunately, this version of DDT diverged from the mainstream DEC DDT, and IDDT was never brought up to date and made the normal debugger, even under TOPS-20. Nonetheless, the easy and extensive use of DDT surely made development more effective, both for user and system programmers.
ユーザー・モードでは、それが既に走っていたとしても、任意のプログラムにDDTを加えることができるかもしれません。前のシステムは、デバッガをプログラムとリンクすることにより、デバッギングが予想されることを必要としました。TENEXでは、ほとんどのプログラムによく特異なアドレス空間中の高い未使用のアドレスで必要だった時、DDTは単に写像されました。DDTのさらに強力なバージョン、IDDT(のための、目に見えない)と呼ばれた、デバッグされているプログラムからの個別のプロセスで走りました。したがって、それは、テストの下のプログラムによるメモリ腐敗を通しませんでした。また、それは全ての不法なアクションを遮ることができました。不運にも、DDTのこのバージョンは主流DEC DDTおよびIDDTから分岐しました、もたらされなかった、最新、またTOPS-20の下でさえ、正常なデバッガを作りました。ユーザおよびシステム・プログラマの両方のために有効な確実にもっと開発になったDDTの容易で広範囲な使用。

Another area where TENEX, and later TOPS-20, excelled was in the user interface, described in detail below. A key reason that we were able to extend the user interface so significantly is that the code which implemented it ran an an ordinary user program. Hence, it wasn't constrained by size or limited by functions which could not be performed in kernel mode. Beyond that, debugging it was much simpler -- it didn't require stand-alone use of the machine as did kernel debugging. All of this allowed a great deal of experimentation and evolution based on tuning and feedback from real use and real users.

User-oriented Design Philosophy

A piece of system design "philosophy" had emerged at BBN and among some of the ARPA research sites that was to have a large impact on the overall feel of TENEX and, ultimately, TOPS-20. At the time, we called this "human engineering" -- we wanted the system to be easy to learn and easy to use, and we wanted the system to take care of as many grungy details as possible so that the programmer or user did not have to deal with them. Beyond that, we were willing to spend real machine cycles and real (or at least virtual) memory to make this happen.

This philosophy led initially to the human interface features of the EXEC, including "escape recognition", the question-mark help facility, optional subcommands, and "noise" words. Few people now argue against the need to provide effective human interfaces, but at that time there were many detractors who felt that it was a waste of cycles to do such things as command recognition. These kinds of things, they said, would "slow the system down" and prevent "useful work" from getting done. Other contemporary systems used short, often one-letter, commands and command arguments, provided no on-line help, and did not give any response to the user other than the "answer" (if any) to the command that had been entered.

Computer use by non-experts

Many such systems fell into the "by experts, for experts" category. That is, they were built by experts and intended to be used by other experts. An "expert" would obviously not need frivolous features like noise words or command recognition. Experts would know, not only all the commands, but all the legal abbreviations as well. Experts may have read the manual once, but would always remember everything needed to interact with the system. So went the implicit assumptions about users -- either you were an expert, or you were an inferior being not really entitled to use the Computer anyway.

The TENEX team took a different view. It was clear that the power of computers was increasing every year and so one should expect the computer to do more and more interesting things. Most people would agree that a major purpose of computer automation is to relieve people of boring, repetitive tasks; we believed that purpose extended to computer system development as well, and that it was wrong to require a person to learn some new set of boring, arcane tasks in order to use the computer. The machine should adapt to man, not man to the machine.

The view was probably reinforced by the artificial intelligence research being done in the environment where TENEX was designed. In such areas as speech recognition, pattern recognition, and natural language comprehension, massive computation power was being applied to make computers interact in ways that would be more human. These were long-term efforts, but we wanted our computer systems to be more human-oriented in the sort term as well.

One of the ideas to come out of the AI research was that the computer should "do what I mean", even if I didn't say it quite right or maybe made a spelling error. Warren Teitelman implemented extensive capabilities in LISP to correct errors automatically or with minor user intervention, and this came to be called the DWIM package. With this kind of research effort going on, we were sensitive to the restrictions and obtuseness of most existing systems.

Hence, we took (now obvious) decisions like, (1) identifying users by alphanumeric name rather than number; (2) allowing file names to be long enough to represent meaningful (to the human) information; (3) typing or displaying positive confirmation of actions requested by the user; (4) allowing for a range of individual preferences among users in regard to style of command input and output.
従って、私たちは決定をとりました(今明白)のように、数ではなく英?博嘯フ名前によって(1)ユーザを識別すること(2)ファイル名が十分に長い(意味のある(人間に)情報を表わすように)ことを可能にすること;(3) ユーザによって要求されたアクションの積極的確認のタイプか表示;(4)コマンド入力および出力のスタイルに関するユーザの内の一連の個々の選択を考慮に入れること。

Interactions Judged on Human-Human basis

We specifically looked for ways of interaction that would seem natural when judged in a human-to-human perspective. On that basis, many typical computer interface behaviours are quite unfriendly. Terse, cryptic, and/or abrupt responses; inflexible and obscure input syntax; use of words for meanings that are counter-intuitive -- these things are all judged as rude or worse if seen in a human-to-human interaction.

This desire to make the computer do the grunge work motivated design in areas other as well. Demand paging and virtual memory were seen as ways to reduce the burden and difficulty of writing large programs. With a large virtual memory, the programmer would not have to be concerned with segmenting and overlaying his program. Rather, he could leave memory management to the system and concentrate on the particulars of the task at hand. Other features such as process structure, system utility calls, and standardized file parsing were intended to ease the job of system programming by providing standard, powerful functions to the programmer.

Escape Recognition, Noise Words, Help

One of the most favored features among TOPS-20 users, and one most identified with TOPS-20 itself, is "escape recognition". With this, the user can often get the system to, in effect, type most of a command or symbolic name. The feature is more easily used than described; nonetheless, a brief description follows to aid in understanding the development of it.

A Brief Description of Recognition and Help

Typing the escape key says to the system, "if you know what I mean from what I've typed up to this point, type whatever comes next just as if I had typed it". What is displayed on the screen or typescript looks just as if the user typed it, but of course, the system types it much faster. For example, if the user types DIR and escape, the system will continue the line to make it read DIRECTORY.

TOPS-20 also accepts just the abbreviation DIR (without escape), and the expert user who wants to enter the command in abbreviated form can do so without delay. For the novice user, typing escape serves several purposes:


This prompts the user that files are being dealt with in this command, and that a file may be given as the next input. In a command with several parameters, this kind of interaction may take place several times. It has been clearly shown in this and other environments that frequent interaction and feedback such as this is of great benefit in giving the user confidence that he is going down the right path and that the computer is not waiting to spring some terrible trap if he says something wrong. While it may take somewhat longer to enter a command this way than if it were entered by an expert using the shortest abbreviations, that cost is small compared to the penalty of entering a wrong command. A wrong command means at least that the time spent typing the command line has been wasted. If it results in some erroneous action (as opposed to no action) being taken, the cost may be much greater.

This is a key underlying reason that the TOPS-20 interface is perceived as friendly: it significantly reduces the number of large negative feedback events which occur to the user, and instead provides many more small but positive (i.e. successful) interactions. This positive reinforcement would be considered quite obvious if viewed in human-to-human interaction terms, but through most of the history of computers, we have ignored the need of the human user to have the computer be a positive and encouraging member of the dialog.

Typing escape is only a request. If your input so far is ambiguous, the system merely signals (with a bell or beep) and waits again for more input. Also, the escape recognition is available for symbolic names (e.g. files) as well as command verbs. This means that a user may use long, descriptive file names in order to help keep track of what the files contain, yet not have to type these long names on every reference. For example, if my directory contains:


I need only type B or V to unambiguously identify one of those files. Typing extra letters before the escape doesn't hurt, so I don't have to think about the minimum abbreviation; I can type VER and see if the system recognizes the file.

Question-mark Help

Finally, if the user still isn't sure what input comes next in a command, he types question-mark, and the system will provide a list of choices that are legal at that point. The list includes specific keywords (e.g. FILE, DIRECTORY) and generic descriptions (e.g. "input file") Most importantly, the question-mark request does not destroy the previous command input. After the list of alternatives is displayed, the partial command is redisplayed, and input continues from the point just before where the user typed question mark.

As a result of this feature:

As menu-oriented interfaces have become more widely used, the advantage of having all choices visible to the user has become obvious. The question-mark help feature can, in retrospect, be seen as a "menu on demand" kind of approach, and it was one that worked even on terminals too slow to support full menu-based interfaces.

Origin of Recognition

The Berkeley Timesharing system for the SDS-940 had an earlier form of recognition. It didn't use escape however. On that system, recognition was automatic; whenever the user had typed enough to unambigiously identify a command or symbolic name, the system would spring to life and type the rest of it. This made for the minimum keystrokes in the ideal case, but had one major, and ultimately fatal, problem: if the user typed too much in one field, i.e. more than the amount necessary for the system to recognize that field, the input would go into the next field where it wasn't intended. For example, the system would recognize COP as sufficient for COPY and supply the "Y". But if you typed the whole verb, you would get:

* COPY Y | |- typed by the computer

Then, you would at least have to erase the extra "Y". If you didn't notice what happened and continued to type the remainder of the command, what you had intended as:


would come out as


This would at least produce an error, and in pathological cases could do major damage. [In the foregoing example, note that the old file name winds up in the new file parameter field.]

With experience, users would come to know the abbreviations for the reserved words and so would rarely fall into the trap of this example. However, this automatic recognition also worked on files in file directories, and there, the minimum abbreviation could change from minute to minute as files were added and deleted. Hence, even an experienced user would have to type carefully. Interestingly, this system favored slow typists who benefitted from having to type the minimum amount of input, but it was a source of maddening frustration to fast typists who would often outrun the system. And when the system became loaded and response decreased, it was a disaster for everybody.

This experience convinced us that we didn't want to perpetuate automatic recognition in that form in TENEX. We spent a lot of time thinking about ways that the "overtyping" problem might be solved, including rules like "if there is extra input and it matches the last keyword after the point of recognition, apply it to that", etc., but ultimately could find no method that didn't leave open a large class of time-dependent errors. We considered a mode which would enable or disable automatic recognition, but decided that would not make the feature any more usable.

Hence, we decided to make recognition happen only on explicit request, even though an extra keystroke would be required. We selected the escape key for this purpose.

Avoid Modes

In general, it became our objective to avoid modes. We believed that defining "expert", "novice", etc. modes would be to ignore the fact that one person can be both novice and expert at the same time, and may have preferences that don't fit either definition. Even an experienced user is likely to be unfamiliar (and therefore a "novice") with some parts of the system, some commands, etc., and would want the additional prompting when working in those areas. Over time, we observed that some very experienced users continue to use the prompting extensively because of the positive feedback it provides.


The circumstances under which TENEX moved to DEC and became TOPS20 seem in retrospect to have included a number of fortuitous events. As noted above, by 1972, TENEX had achieved a certain amount of popularity among researchers on the ARPA Network. The reborn 36-bit machine, newly christened the DECsystem-10 was enjoying reasonable success in a number of other markets as well. The prestige of being the choice of leading edge researchers was worth advertising though, so DEC ran an ad in a number of trade publications headlined "ARPA has a network of Supercomputers" and pointing out what a large fraction of those were DECsystem-10s. In fact, most of those were running TENEX. By April, 1972, there were seven sites in addition to BBN running TENEX.
思い返せば、 TENEX が DEC に移り TOPS20 になった事情には 数々の偶発的な出来事が上げられるように見えます。 既に述べたように、1972 年には、 TENEX は ARPA ネットワークの研究者の間である程度の人気を獲得していました。 新たに DECsystem-10 と命名された、 生まれ変わった 36-Bit のマシンは その他の多くのマーケットと同じように妥当な成功を謳歌していました。 最先端研究者が選択したという名声は広告する価値がありました。 したがって DEC は多くの業界紙誌に 「ARPA はスーパー・コンピューターのネットワークを持っている」という見出しと それコンピュータ群の大部分が DECsystem-10 であることをを指摘した 広告を出しました。 実際、ほとんどのマシンで TENEX は稼働していました。 1972年4月の時点で BBN を含めると TENEX が稼働するサイトは7つのありました。

BBN had a modest business building the outboard paging hardware which, with the technology of that day, required an entire tall 19-inch wide cabinet of logic. DEC, meanwhile, had begun work on a successor machine to be known as the KI10 (the "I" at least suggesting the integrated circuit technology that was to be used). As early as June of 1970, meetings were held where BBN people attempted to persuade DEC to include paging hardware similar to the design of the BBN pager. Eventually, DEC decided to include paging in the KI10, but it was based on a much simpler architecture. DEC engineers were not convinced that the several forms of pointers (private, shared, indirect) and the core status table would be worth the amount of hardware required to support them. Nonetheless, they did choose the same page size, 512 words, which at least left open the door to some sort of later accommodation.
BBN はその当時の技術では 背の高い19インチ幅のキャビネット全部を必要とする 外部ページングハードウェアを組み立てるという 適度な仕事を持っていました。 一方、DEC は KI10 ("I" は少なくとも集積回路技術が使用されていることを示唆しています) として知られる後継マシンの開発を開始していました。 1970年6月初旬に、 ミーティングが開催され、 BBN の人間は BBN ページャの設計と同様の ページングハードウェアを組み込むよう DEC を説得することを試みました。 結局、DEC は KI10 にページング機能を含めるを決定しました。 しかし、それははるかに単純なアーキテクチャーに基づきました。 DEC のエンジニアはポインターの様々なフォーム (プライベート、シェアード、間接) やコアステータステーブルをサポートするために 必要なハードウェアの総量に見合うだけの価値があることを 確信していませんでした。 それにもかかわらず、 少なくとも、後の何かしらの融通への道を開く、 512 ワードの同じページ・サイズを選びました。


When the KI10 came out, DEC was disappointed (to say the least) by the lack of interest among the research community which had helped spark KA10 sales. The problem was that the machine would not run TENEX. It was almost twice as fast as the KA10, but the paging was different from what TENEX required. It was also quite evident that it would not be practical to modify the structure of TENEX to use the more limited KI10 paging. As a further irony, the version of TOPS-10 initially shipped with the KI10 used the paging hardware only to simulate the protection and relocation hardware of the KA10 and realized no benefit from it.

During the summer of 1972, I had decided to look for new opportunities outside of BBN. Not surprisingly, one company I talked to was DEC. In the course of those discussions, I was asked about the possibility of putting TENEX on the KI10. This was not a desire that was widespread within DEC in general or within DEC software engineering in particular, but it was of great interest to Allan Titcomb who was the marketing manager covering the scientific and research markets. Titcomb wanted very much to sell some KI10's to the sites that were running TENEX.

The outcome of this was that I went to work for DEC -- as a contractor. I contracted with DEC for a fixed-time (3 months), fixed-price contract to make TENEX run on the KI10[6]. Clearly, the DEC internal processes were not about to create a real project around TENEX at this point, but a one-man 3-month contract must have seemed an acceptably small risk.

I also received an offer to join DEC as a regular employee after the contract was finished. This permanent job was not initially intended to have any continuing involvement with TENEX however. In fact, it was to work in the TOPS-10 group.

The contract with me for KI-TENEX was negotiated through DEC's software engineering department, led at the time by Dave Stone whom I knew previously. During the latter part of the contract discussions, Dave asked someone else in to consult on the technical aspects of my proposed method for dealing with the different paging hardware on the KI10. This turned out to be Peter Hurley, then doing special software engineering projects as part of the marketing group headed by Allan Titcomb, and it marks the first of Peter's long involvement with TOPS-20.

So, as of the beginning of October, 1972, I took my leave from BBN and settled into an office on 3-5 (building 3, floor 5) in DEC's original buildings in Maynard. Being at the time still rather youthful in outlook, the idea of a 3-month, fixed-price, one-man contract to port a base operating system to a new processor in a family didn't strike me as particularly scary.

As part of my send-off from BBN, a couple of co-workers who had previously worked at DEC gave me some farewell presents that, I was assured, would prove very useful at DEC: a flyswatter and a can of bug spray. DEC's facilities at the time lacked some of the aseptic uniformity generally expected of hi-tech offices and labs. Because of their age, history, and proximity to a mill pond and stream, the buildings were well supplied with various insect life and spiders, and my friends at BBN wanted to be sure I knew what I was getting into. Ultimately, I spent only a little over a year working in the Maynard mill buildings, but there were numerous occasions late in the evening when the possibility of further concentration on code was nil and I found myself watching at length as a particularly skillful spider spun a nearly perfect circular web among the posts of my partition.

Paging Algorithm in Software

The technique I had come up with did not involve major alterations in the paging structure of TENEX in order to deal with the simpler pager of the KI10. Rather, the idea was to simulate most of the logic of the BBN pager in software and use a KI10 page table only as a software cache or translation buffer for current virtual-to-physical page mappings. Logically, this was much like the design used in many later processors where the logic would be realized in microcode and the storage in RAM.

Implementation of PDP-10 code to simulate the BBN pager was not a large or difficult task and took probably less than half the time of the project. In addition to paging, it was necessary to write drivers for the file and swapping devices then being shipped by DEC, neither of which had been used at BBN. Checkout of TENEX on the KI10 did, however, encounter one new and rather obscure logic error in the paging hardware.

Well before the end of the three month contract period, TENEX was running well enough on the KI10 to support building new versions of itself. During this period, the system was up and running for several hours each day on a machine in the basement of the mill, and a few curious employees came around to try it. One such person was Dave Braithwaite, then in the -10 benchmark group, who brought over various benchmarks and tests to try.

The contract nominally ended (successfully) when I delivered an official set of tapes containing the TENEX sources and a bootable system at the contractually appointed time. This was somewhat academic at that point however, since it was not by any means the end of TENEX related activity at DEC.

KL10 Processor in Development

During the time I was working on KI-TENEX, the KL10 processor was under active development in hardware engineering. The "L" in KL10 was originally intended to mean "low cost", since the KI10 was perceived as being somewhat expensive. However, technology was providing opportunities to make a significant jump in performance, and that ultimately was to be the salient feature of the KL10. The product line managers were seeing opportunities to grow in the high end, so the stage was set to consider some major changes in capabilities.

Around this same time, the "Super Foonly" project was in progress in the AI lab at Stanford. The Foonly designers were projecting a factor of 10 speedup over the KA10, and DEC engineers were invited out to review these plans. Certain ideas, such as the E-box and M-box functional split, were instrumental in the ultimate design of the KL10.

Stanford wasn't the only other place where a PDP-10 architecture machine was being designed and built. The newly opened Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) included a number of people from BBN and other sites familiar with TENEX, and they were quite interested in pursuing their work on that system. Since Xerox was then in the computer business, PARC couldn't quite manage to just buy a PDP-10 from DEC. Consequently, they built their own. It was a single-processor machine compatible with the KA10 and BBN paging and was designed and built in a relatively short time. It ran TENEX for a number of years.

IBM Makes Virtual Memory Legitimate

Quite possibly, the final fortuitous event involved in the DEC decision to take TENEX as the base for a DEC product happened not at DEC but at IBM. It was during this period in the latter part of 1972 that IBM announced "virtual memory" systems for the 360 family. While this was not entirely unexpected, it provided a major shot of "legitimacy" for the concept of virtual memory in computer system products. I (and other TENEX proponents) had been actively promoting the virtual memory capabilities of TENEX, but it took the IBM announcement to prove that such capabilities could be a significant factor in large systems markets. This is rather ironic since the memory management architectures in TENEX/TOPS-20 and the IBM systems are quite different.

DECSYSTEM-20 is Born

Soon, discussions were being held around the idea that the KL10 would be, not just a new CPU for the existing DECsystem-10 but the cornerstone of a new VM product family including both hardware and software architectures. Hardware architecture departures were to include internal main memory (as opposed to external bus memory as on the KA and KI), the Massbus interconnect for tapes and disks, and the use of a PDP 11/40 as a system console. Software would take a comparable step with the capabilities of TENEX: virtual memory, process structure, easy-to-use command language.
すぐに、議論は、単なる既存のDECsystem-10のための新しいCPUではなくKL10がそうだろうという考えのまわりでされていました。ハードウェア・アーキテクチャー出発は内部主要なメモリ(kAおよびKIでのような外部バス・メモリに対立するものとしての)を含むことでした、Massbusはシステム・コンソールとしてテープおよびディスク、およびPDP 11/40の使用のために相互に連結します。ソフトウェアは、TENEXの能力を備えた比較可能なステップをとるでしょう:仮想記憶、プロセス構造(使いやすいコマンド言語)。

Although I was part of only a few of those discussions, I still look back with amazement at the speed and confidence with which the decision was made to undertake such a major departure. The key individuals included Allan Titcomb who had initiated the KI-TENEX project, Fred Wilhelm, the engineering manager of the KL10 project, Bill Kiesewetter, the marketing manager of the DECsystem-10 product line, and John Leng, the product line manager. We didn't convene task forces or study committees or waffle on the idea for a year or two. We met, considered the issues, and decided.

Thus, by the end of the three-month KI-TENEX contract, I had a second offer from DEC: to join the KL10 group as project leader for a new operating system for the KL10 based on TENEX. By the time I started work at DEC as an employee on January 2, 1973, one additional engineer had been recruited to form the nucleus of a development group: Peter Hurley. The two of us set up offices on the fifth floor of Maynard mill building 5, in a group with the hardware engineers, the product line marketing and management people, and vice president Win Hindle.
したがって、3か月KI-TENEXの契約の終了までに、私は、DECからの別の提示を行っていました:TENEXに基づいたKL10のための新しいオペレーティング・システムのためにプロジェクト・リーダーとしてKL10グループを連結すること。私が1973年1月2日に従業員としてDECで仕事を始めた時までに、1人の追加のエンジニアは開発グループの核を形成するために募集されました:ピーター・スティック。私たちの2人は、ハードウェア・エンジニア、生産ラインマーケティングおよび管理人々、および副社長Win Hindleとのグループ中で、5を構築するメイナード・ミルの5階にオフィスを設立します。

TOPS-20 Development Begins

There were a number of areas in which we felt that work was necessary on TENEX to make it suitable for release as a product. Some of these were areas in which TOPS-10 had received sigificant work during the preceding years, and others involved general maintainability, support of hardware reliability and service, and overall robustness. TENEX did not, at the time, have such features as batch operation or mountable disk structures.

TOPS-10 Compatibility and Coexistence

We also planned to significantly increase the support for "TOPS-10 compatibility" -- the system's ability to support existing TOPS-10 programs and media. This support took several forms: the operating system service call interface, the command language, disk structure formats, and other external interfaces. TENEX had implemented provisions for the OS call interface only, and that was limited by the lack of knowledge at BBN about the details and undocumented aspects of the TOPS-10 calls. Also, the call interface compatibility was only as complete as needed to run the particular set of TOPS-10 layered software that BBN needed at the time.
さらに、私たちは、「TOPS-10互換性」の支援を著しく増加させることを計画しました。―― 既存のTOPS-10がプログラムする支援およびメディアへのシステムの能力。この支援はいくつかの形式をとりました:オペレーティング・システム・サービス呼び出しインターフェース、コマンド言語、ディスク構造フォーマットおよび他の外部は接続します。TENEXは、OS呼び出しインターフェースのみに対する準備を実行しました。また、それはTOPS-10呼び出しの詳細および公文書がない様相に関するBBNで知識の不足によって制限されていました。さらに、ただ完全なように、呼び出しインターフェース互換性はそうでした、求められるような、TOPS-10の特別のセットを実行することはソフトウェアを層にしました、それ、その時に必要とされるBBN。

One Operating System or Two for 36-bit Machines?

One of the reasons for pursuing TOPS-10 compatibility features was the possibility of re-converging on one operating system for all 36-bit machines. That was, and continued to be, a controversial idea however, and the destiny of these features is largely the result of continuing indecision around how much effort should be invested in tools to help users move from TOPS-10 to TOPS-20.

At times, it was clearly the intent that TOPS-20 would eventually become the sole 36-bit operating system. It appeared to have the capabilities to support any desired level of TOPS-10 compatibility, and it offered features that many TOPS-10 customers had been requesting but which appeared unlikely ever to be realizable in TOPS-10. Most of the time, however, TOPS-10 (and enhancements to it) appeared to be needed in the short term to maintain some portion of the 36-bit business, and so the product line as a whole was never able to achieve sufficient resolve to move the business back to one operating system.

In the early life of the -20, the product line made some overtures to -10 customers about migrating to the -20. Migration aids weren't in place, TOPS-20 didn't have all the needed capabilities, and the -10 customers weren't about to accept the limits on configurations that applied to the -20. Hence, the customers reacted quite negatively and scared the product line out of doing anything that even suggested a migration strategy.

Ultimately, both operating systems continued to be developed and shipped until the corporation made the much bigger decision to offer no new 36-bit hardware products and to wind down all 36-bit software development. For these and other reasons, replacing TOPS-10 was mostly not a high priority during the life of the DECSYSTEM-20 and so capabilities like a TOPS-10 command language were not seen as important. Subsequent ups and downs of interest in re-converging on one operating system are described further below.

OS Call Interface

With the structure of TENEX, it had been possible to implement the TOPS-10 call interface compatibility in a relatively modular form. This piece of software was called PA1050, after the DEC 10/50 system which was the top of the -10 line at the time. To be able to support both the old (TOPS-10) and new (TENEX) OS call interfaces, we had decided to use a native call mechanism completely different from that used by TOPS-10. TOPS-10 used the Monitor UUOs, a group of instructions which transferred control to the kernal through a transfer vector. TENEX took a previously unassigned opcode (104 octal) and gave it the mnemonic JSYS for Jump to SYStem. (The Berekely 940 system had used a BRS, Branch to System.)
TENEXの構造と、比較的モジュールの形式でTOPS-10呼び出しインターフェース互換性をインプリメントすることは可能でした。ソフトウェアのこの部分は、その時の-10行のラインのトップだったDEC 10/50システムの後に、PA1050と呼ばれました。古く(TOPS-10)、新しい(TENEX)OS呼び出しインターフェースを支援することができるために、私たちは、TOPS-10によって使用されるそれと完全に異なる在来の呼び出しメカニズムを使用することを決定しました。TOPS-10はモニターUUO(トランスファー・ベクトルによってkernalにコントロールを転送した1グループの指示)を使用しました。TENEXは以前に割り当てられていないopcode(104の8進法)をとり、SYStemにそれに跳躍用の記憶を助けるJSYSを与えました。(Berekely 940システムはBRS(システムへの枝)を使用しました。)x

Within TENEX, execution of any of the TOPS-10 service calls went to a small piece of kernel code that would invoke PA1050. On the first such call, it would map the PA1050 image into a high area of the user virtual memory and transfer control to it. On subsequent calls, it would merely effect the transfer. Hence, only those processes that actually made TOPS-10 calls would get the compatibility code, and each such process had its own incarnation. The virtual memory implementation of TENEX meant that code or data could be put anywhere, and there was no penalty for sparse use of the address space. At the time, it was quite safe to usurp a range of high addresses in a TOPS-10 program, since to use such addresses on a real (non-VM) TOPS-10 system would have required the full 256 Kwords of memory or more to run. Later on, as TOPS-10 programs became larger, we had trouble squeezing the program, PA1050, and DDT (which also was mapped into a high range of addresses) all together.

PA1050, then, was simply unprivileged user-mode code. It interpreted the arguments of the TOPS-10 call that had been intercepted and performed the requested action, using JSYS calls where necessary. It maintained its own database of TOPS-10 job state in local process memory.

Command Language

The idea of alternate command languages was one of the attractive features of TENEX. The TENEX command language (the "EXEC") was simply a user-mode program that operated within a process and performed any system actions via defined JSYS calls. Hence, a similar program to realize any other desired user interface could be written and executed in the same manner by any user without impacting others on the same system. The marketing folks had visions of offering interfaces that were compatible with various competing systems in order to lure customers away from those systems. We also envisioned writing a user interface that would look like the TOPS-10 command language so as to facilitate users moving over from TOPS-10.

Such a program was in fact written during the first year of development in DEC by the third member of the new OS group, Arnold Miller. This interface worked well enough to support execution of TOPS-10 batch files as well as most normal user activity. However, it was never shipped as part of TOPS-20, largely because users who came to TOPS-20 from TOPS-10 or any other system quickly began to use and prefer the TOPS-20 command language. Even for users who were reluctant to try something different, the advantages of the TOPS-20 Exec were sufficiently apparent that few wanted to continue working in their old environment. Similarly, no other interfaces to mimic competing systems were ever written.

Interest in the TOPS-10 Exec was revived on one or two later occasions when the possibility of migrating TOPS-10 users to TOPS-20 was considered, but such thoughts never lasted long enough to result in a product.

Disk Structure Compatibility

One other compatibility feature developed during early TOPS-20 development but never shipped was TOPS-10 disk structure I/O. This allowed a TOPS-10 disk structure to be mounted on a TOPS-20 system and be read and written by a program running in TOPS-10 compatibility mode. This was achieved by taking a large part of the actual file system code from TOPS-10 and encapsulating it with an interface to PA1050 on one side and direct block-level IO on the other. Again, this proved to be a feature that was used briefly, if at all, and so never received much additional effort. When the next version of the TOPS-10 file system code was released, it proved more difficult to encapsulate and run in this way, and the capability was abandoned even for internal use.

The Name Game, or, "What are we working on again?"

It's time to discuss the history of names of the operating system that came to be known as TOPS-20. As part of undertaking this new operating system development, DEC purchased the commercial rights to TENEX from BBN early in 1973. However, with a major marketing thrust anticipated for the new KL10-based system, a new name for the operating system would be necessary. Also, the development group in DEC intended to be independent of the group at BBN which was continuing to develop new versions of TENEX for the KA10 ARPA users. Within the first few months, various names were considered. Finally, the KL10 engineering manager, Fred Wilhelm, declared that the new operating system would be called VIROS. It seemed perfect for the time: it suggested "virtual", which was to be a key feature of the new system, and it had a strong, virile sound. Unfortunately, John Leng (and others) tended to pronounce it as "virus" and so it probably wouldn't have survived even if other factors hadn't pushed it aside.
TOPS-20として知られるために来たオペレーティング・システムの名前の歴史について議論す??a議論です。この新しいオペレーティング・システム開発を試みる部分として、DECは、1973年の初めにBBNからのTENEXへの商用権利を購入しました。しかしながら、新しいKL10ベースのシステムのために主なマーケティング推進力を予想したまま、オペレーティング・システムの新しい名前は必要でしょう。さらに、DECの中の開発グループは、KA10 ARPAのユーザのためのTENEXの新バージョンを開発し続けていたBBNのグループに依存しませんですつもりでした。最初のの数か月の内では、様々な名前が考慮されました。最後に、KL10エンジニアリング・マネージャー(フレッド・ヴィルヘルム)が新しいオペレーティング・システムがVIROSと呼ばれるだろうと宣言しました。それはその時には申し分なく見えました:それは示唆しました「仮想の」、どれが新システムの重要な特徴であることかそれ、強く男性の音を持っていました。不運にも、ジョンLeng(また他のもの)は、「ウィルス」としてそれを発音する傾向がありました。したがって、他の要因がそれを押しやっていなかったとしても、それは恐らく残存していなかったでしょう。

Later on during that first year, it was decided to change the name to confuse the competition. This was part of a policy dictated from "on high" to keep the marketplace from knowing too much about unannounced developments. We knew that preventing all leaks was impossible, so the idea was to confuse the world with conflicting information. The new name chosen for the operating system then was SNARK, from a Lewis Carol story about the hunting of the SNARK, where "they pursued it with forks and hope". (We had lots of both.) That name almost had a short lifetime, since it was further declared that internal code names would be changed every six months to keep the enemy guessing. When time came for the first six month change, the group resisted the hassle of yet another purturbation but eventually yielded and put forth KRANS (SNARK spelled backwards) as the new name. Unfortunately, it was soon discovered that this was a word that meant "burial vault" in Swedish. The name was quickly changed back to SNARK, and even our management then declared that we would have nothing further to do with the semi-annual name change folly.

Hence, the name remained SNARK until it was time to announce the product. The various interim names didn't vanish completely however; they were all used for other internal purposes, mostly as names for disk volumes in the TOPS-20 group. In fact, the SNARK pack (pronounced with a Boston accent as "snak pack") remained the home of the TOPS-20 sources for the entire life of the system. SNARK and KRANS are currently nodes on the DEC internal network but are not in the 36-bit engineering group.

As time for product announcement approached, very high-level consideration was being given to the product name. Mere engineers were not a party to this process, so we waited with anticipation for the new and final system name to be handed down. Would they stay with SNARK (unlikely)? Go back to VIROS ("V" names were getting more popular all the time)? Or come up with something new and dynamic. The result was, to put it mildly, underwhelming. Although TOPS-20 as a name became just a fact of life over the years, we originally saw it as about the least exciting, least imaginative name one could possibly have chosen for such a neat, new system. It was just the same as the old system, TOPS-10, except for one digit. About as creative as "Wednesday Night at the Movies" for a new TV show of the same era. But that was the story: the new product would be the "DECSYSTEM-20" (somebody forgot to lower-case the "system" as in DECsystem-10) and the operating system would be TOPS-20.

So, although the name TOPS-20 wasn't chosen until just before the first system ship, I have used TOPS-20 to refer to the operating system for the entire time it was under development at DEC, that is, from January 1973 onward.

The TOPS-20 Group

The TOPS-20 group grew to four people during its first year. In addition to myself, Peter Hurley, and Arnold Miller mentioned previously, Len Bosack joined the group within the first few months. Tom Hastings was also involved, serving briefly as the supervisor. Although it started as part of KL10 hardware engineering, this new group made the transition to its more logical place in software engineering after the first year.

Several others served as supervisor of the group between its formation and first ship. On several occasions, the group hired its new supervisor. To save time, an interview would be set up with several members of the group at once who would fire questions at the hapless candidate. If the candidate couldn't survive this, he clearly wouldn't last in the day-to-day functioning of the group. Managers weren't the only candidates who were given practical scrutiny. Judy Hall, the fifth member hired into the group, and others who joined during that period, were typically asked to bring samples of code they had previously written when they came for interviews.

Architecture Enhancements in the DECSYSTEM-20

The DECSYSTEM-20 (and TOPS-20) was first shipped in January, 1976, just three years after DEC internal development began. This was, of course, longer than we had anticipated. Both the hardware and the software schedules were extended, and a few other changes in plans occurred. As mentioned above, the KL10 had already departed somewhat from its original conception as a "low-cost" KI10 replacement by the time TOPS-20 development started. As TOPS-20 development proceeded, we provided a couple more "1-plusses" to the machine.

Extended Addressing

One of these was extended addressing. TOPS-20 didn't force this as an issue, but it seemed to provide the opportunity to eventually take advantage of it. The possibility of extending the address space of the PDP-10 architecture was first suggested to me by Tom Hastings during the 3-month period when I was working on KI-TENEX. At that time, it seemed a pretty radical idea that 256 Kwords of address space might not be enough for most applications, but the PDP-11 was already running into trouble in that regard and it seemed prudent to think about it for the -10 while we were building this new processor.

There were two primary problems to be solved in extending the address space of the PDP-10. First, a way would be needed to generate effective addresses of greater than 18 bits; second, a means would be needed to map this larger virtual address space. For the hardware designers, the second problem appeared more formidable. They planned to use a table-lookup RAM to hold virtual-to-physical address translations, and a larger address space appeared to require a prohibitively large translation RAM. The KI10 had used an associative memory for this purpose, but the integrated circuits available in the technology of the KL10 didn't provide a way to make a practical associative memory.

As it happened, the solution to this problem resulted from a bit of synergy. Alan Kotok had been looking for a way to make the paging RAM smaller even than that which would appear to be required for the basic PDP-10 address space. With 512 pages in each of user and exec mode address spaces, 1024 entries would be necessary for a direct mapping scheme. Alan was thinking about using the same 512 entries for both user and exec by storing the user-mode bit in the entry and comparing it on a lookup. If the comparison failed, the entry would be considered invalid and would be reloaded from memory. Thus, the same entry would be used for a given user and exec mode address and would work as well as a full-size table provided there were not too frequent references to the same user and exec addresses.

While this was going on, I realized that there was nothing unique about the user-mode bit in this scheme, and that it could be extended to an arbitrarily large number of address bits. That is, a given number of bits for translation could be divided into two parts: one part to index into the RAM, and the other to be stored and compared. For purposes of extended addressing, that meant we could have a number of spaces each as large as the original 256 Kwords all mapped into the same translation RAM. The smaller the RAM, the greater the possibility of conflict, but that could be somewhat mitigated by "hashing" the address bits so that the different address spaces were offset differently in the RAM.

As for modifications to the basic instruction set, we initially decided on an extension of the address space from 18 to 23 bits. This number was chosen because it was the number of bits available by combining the Y, I, and X fields (address, indirect, and index) of the PDP-10 instruction. We were fortunate in that the PDP-10 instruction set had a very clean and consistent design -- every instruction computed its operand address in the same way. If this algorithm could be modified to yield a larger address, the problem would be solved for essentially all instructions. The PC could easily be made as large as necessary in hardware, and the various word formats in which it appeared generally had the additional 5 bits available.

All that notwithstanding, any modification to the instruction set to generate larger addresses would be incompatible with existing code to some extent. To avoid introducing such incompatibilities, the original design had a special way of executing an instruction when an extended operand address was desired. An instruction executed normally would generate a compatible 18-bit address, but the same instruction executed as the operand of a "special execute" instruction (SXCT) could generate a larger address. It did this by using additional bits of either an indirect word or index specified in the instruction.

As it turned out, our initial extended addressing design was too conservative. Before the first DECSYSTEM-20 even shipped, we had occasion to revisit and greatly modify the design of extended addressing in connection with the UNICORN project described later.

Paging Algorithm in Microcode

Another perturbation to the KL10 design was in the area of paging. Because of the success of running TENEX on the KI10 using a software simulation of the TENEX paging design, it was initially assumed that the same could be done on the KL10. However, we knew that the software simulation was consuming some amount of processor time because the speedup of TENEX programs moving from the KA10 to the KI10 was typically not as much as expected. Some studies using PC-sampling techniques revealed that the paging simulation code was often using over 30% of the processor under a typical timesharing load.

This brought up yet again the thorny issue of putting the complex TENEX paging algorithms into hardware -- the thing that had been resisted for both the KA10 and KI10. Devoting that much hardware to paging still seemed like a bad idea to the hardware engineers, but fortunately there was another possibility for the KL10: microcode. Just as the KI-TENEX implementation had shown that the page refill algorithm could be executed in software with the result handed to the hardware, so could it be executed by microcode. The basic instruction set was to be implemented in microcode on the KL10 (the first PDP-10 architecture processor so designed), so, the thinking went, we could add "just a little more microcode" for the paging algorithm.
これは、ハードウェアの中にアルゴリズムにページをつける複雑なTENEXを入れる困難な問題を再び表に出しました。―― KA10およびKI10の両方のために抵抗されたもの。ハードウェア・エンジニアへの悪い考えのようにまだページをつけることにその多くのハードウェアを当てるように見えました。しかし、幸運にも、KL10の別の可能性がありました:マイクロコード。ちょうどKI-TENEXインプリメンテーションがそれを示したとともに、ページ、アルゴリズムを補充する、ハードウェアに渡された結果を備えたソフトウェア中で実行することができた、したがって、できた、それ、マイクロコードによって実行されます。基礎的な指示セットはKL10(第1のPDP-10アーキテクチャー・プロセッサー、したがって、設計された)の上のマイクロコード中でインプリメントされることになっていました、したがって、思考は行きました、私たちは付け加えることができました「ほんの少しより多くのマイクロコード」ページをつけるアルゴリズムのために。

Some changes were necessary to the hardware design of the KL10 as it existed at that point in order to allow the microcode to get control when an attempted address translation failed, compute the translation and load it into the translation buffer, and continue with the instruction then in progress. That was taken care of with little additional hardware, and it seemed we had finally achieve full support of the paging architecture. With a bit of myopia typical of that time, we figured we had solved all our paging performance problems since anything done in microcode had to be incredibly fast. ("Micro madness" as Len Bosack often called it.)

Thus the KL10 had both extended addressing and TOPS-20 paging capabilities when it first shipped. It is just possible that those enhancements did extend the development schedule somewhat, although we argued at the time each of these was being considered that the additional work was insignificant in the overall picture. I'm not quite sure how we finally got these things approved. I recall a rather angry Win Hindle practically throwing us out of his office the first time we came in to tell him about adding extended addressing to the machine.

Software Enhancements

While we were bothering the hardware group with changes around paging and extended addressing, we were busy with quite a number of software projects as well. Typical of projects to make the system more robust in commercial environments was the one to modify the system's handling of disk writes and disk allocation tables. In TENEX and TOPS-20, essentially all disk IO is initiated via paging. File pages are mapped, whether into user or exec address space, and read or written with ordinary instructions. In TENEX as it came to DEC, all file pages were treated equally, including those in directories, page tables, and disk allocation tables. This worked just fine providing the system never crashed. If the system were taken down intentionally, its last act would be to write all modified pages out to the disk and thus make the disk consistent.

If the system crashed however (as occasionally did happen), it could easily be that an inconsistent set of pages had been written to the disk. A file directory might be pointing to a file for which the page table had not been written, or pages might be in use for which the allocation table had not been updated. To take care of this, the practice on TENEX had been to run a disk consistency check program called CHECKDSK. In particular, this would mark the allocation table for any pages found in use so as to prevent multiple assignment. This had been satisfactory at first, but with the increase in the amount of of file storage, it had begun to take an objectionably long time. The solution was to force writing of the allocation tables, page tables, and directories at certain points and in a certain order using techniques now well understood. It's interesting to note that Unix had similar problems in its early versions, and the same techniques have had to be applied in more recent versions.

The COMND Service

Another interesting step was the development of the COMND JSYS. This system call provides a set of services to implement the TOPS-20 style of command interface (escape recognition, question-mark help, etc. as discussed previously). It was not, however, part of TENEX as it came from BBN. Rather, those interface characteristics were individually coded in each program that supported them, and in fact, only the EXEC supported them in general. Other programs typically supported only recognition of file names, since that was provided by the GTJFN system call. Even basic command line editing (rubout to delete a character, control-U to erase the line, etc.) was not centralized and was provided more or less or not at all by various programs.
別の面白いステップはCOMND JSYSの開発でした。このシステムコールは、コマンド・インターフェース(回避認識、疑問符支援など、以前に議論されたとともに)のTOPS-20スタイルをインプリメントする1セットのサービスを提供します。しかしながら、それは、BBNから来たとともに、TENEXの一部ではありませんでした。もっと正確に言えば、それらのインターフェース特性は個々に??閧ワした、それらを支援したプログラムごとの中で、および事実の中でコード化した、EXECだけが一般にそれらを支援しました。それがGTJFNシステムコールによって提供されたので、他のプログラムは典型的にはファイル名の単に認識を支援しました。基礎的なコマンドライン編集さえ(文字(ラインなどを削除するコントロール-U)を削除する抹殺)中心に集められず、様々なプログラムによって多かれ少なかれ提供されたか、全く提供されませんでした。

The need for centralized command line editing was addressed earlier in the TOPS-20 development by the addition of the TEXTI JSYS (and related subsets RDTXT and RDLINE). The increasing use of video terminals had made the ad hoc provisions of the various utility programs particularly glaring. With TEXTI, we undertook to both centralize the line editing functions and to make them sensitive to the type of terminal being used. At that time, taking advantage of the video terminal's ability to erase a character or line was still impressive. Some systems had been able to add at least a minimum of video terminal line editing support because they only supported line input, and the line buffering was done centrally. TENEX had been designed with a maximum of terminal flexibility however and so had no general way of editing input. The TEXTI JSYS provided many options so that it could be used as well by programs that wanted more or less than line-at-a-time input.
中心に集められたコマンドライン編集の必要は、TEXTI JSYS(そして部分集合RDTXTおよびRDLINEを関連づけた)の追加によってTOPS-20開発で以前にアドレスされました。ビデオターミナルの増加する使用は、特にぎらぎら光る様々なユーティリィティ・プログラムに対する特別な準備をしました。TEXTIで、私たちは、ライン編集機能を中心に集めてそれらを使用されているターミナルのタイプに敏感にすることを試みました。その時に、文字かラインを削除するビデオターミナルの能力の利用はまだ印象的でした。いくつかのシステムは、それらがライン入力を単に支援したのでターミナルにラインをビデオに編集する少なくとも1つの最小が支援すると付け加えることができました。また、ライン・バッファーは中心に行われました。しかしながら、TENEXは最高ターミナルの柔軟性で設計されており、したがって、入力を編集する一般的な方法がありませんでした。多かれ少なかれ不足したプログラムによって同様にそれを使用することができるかもしれないように、TEXTI JSYSは多くのオプションを提供しました、より、ライン一度にの入力。

Implementing a centralized command input library was not, however, an item that appeared on our schedules. Within the last year before the system shipped, we had identified and were working on a few utility programs that needed specific improvements. One of these was DUMPER (the disk-to-tape backup and restore utility), and it had a particularly bad command interface. I had the task of improving DUMPER's user interface to meet some minimal level of acceptability, but I had been procrastinating doing anything about it because it would be a rather routine and boring task. In the meantime, I had started thinking about how this style of command interface could be centralized into a set of functions and tables.

Because of the highly interactive nature of the interface, partial execution of the program itself is necessary during input of the command. For example, if file name recognition is attempted, the defaults and any other pertinent context must be available so that failure or success can be determined. However, the program must not take any irrevocable action until the command is confirmed (typically with a carriage return) so that the user can erase all or part of it with the line editing keys. Even the original TENEX Exec didn't get this quite right. The user could erase the entire command line with control-U, but could not delete backward more than the current field. In other words, the Exec knew how to flush all state for the current line and start over, and it knew how to delete characters from the current field before it was completed, but it didn't know how to flush part of the state and backup into a field already completed.

My idea for solving the backup problem was not to backup at all but rather save the command text and then rescan it from the beginning with the unwanted part removed. With that idea and a list of functions to handle the various kinds of fields that would occur in a command line, I started writing a library-type facility instead of just point enhancements to DUMPER. Of course, DUMPER was intended to be, and did become, the first program to use new facility, but by the time of TOPS-20's first release, these command parsing routines had been integrated into the monitor as the COMND JSYS. Most utilities had not been modified to use it however, and the Exec still had its original parsing code. Correcting all this was done in later releases.
バックアップ問題の解決に対する私の考えはバックアップにありませんでした、で、ほとんどややコマンド・テキストを保存し、次に、それを再走査する、から、その、望まれない部分から始まることは移動しました。その考え、お?謔ムコマンドラインに生じる様々な種類のフィールドを扱う機能のリストで、私は、DUMPERに正当なポイント増強の代わりに図書館タイプ設備を書き始めま?オた。もちろん、DUMPERは、そうであるように意図されなりました、新しい設備を使用する最初のプログラム、しかし、TOPS-20第1のリリースの時間までに、これらのコマンド解析ルーチンはCOMND JSYSとしてモニターへ統合されました。ほとんどのユーティリィティはしかしながら、それを使用するためには修正されていませんでした。また、幹部はまだそのオリジナルの解析コードを持っていました。これすべての修正は後のリリースで終わりました。

Ultimately, most of the TOPS20 development done for the first release went toward supporting the new hardware architectures and devices. A complete new mass storage IO structure was necessary for the Massbus disks and tapes, and an equally large change was necessary to handle communications IO through the PDP-11 front-end rather than via direct line scanners.

Implemention Language

Almost all system code for the 36-bit architecture machines had been written in MACRO since the first boot routine of the PDP-6. Because of its regular structure and powerful set of operations, 36-bit assembly language was reasonably pleasant to write in, and so less pressure existed for a higher level language than on most other machines. BLISS was gaining some adherents in some parts of DEC, but its various peculiarities (e.g. the "dot" notation and use of underscore for the assignment operator in the early -10 version) generated major resistance elsewhere. Hence, new TOPS-20 code was written in MACRO, as TENEX had been.

During the development of release 1 and continuing thereafter, various features were added to the MACRO programming conventions used in TOPS-20. These were mostly implemented by macros, and they gave certain higher-level language capabilities to MACRO. The first of these involved mechanisms for representing data structures in one place (i.e. a "header" file) such that the representation would cause appropriate code to be generated for references. This started out as a simple macro to select "left half" or "right half" of a 36-bit word (instead of an explicit HLxx or HRxx). Next came macros to select the correct bit test instruction (TLxx, TRxx, TDxx) for the mask at hand. Eventually, the macros were capable of defining and representing complex multi-word record-type structures with fields of various sizes.

Secondly, macros were used to provide procedure-call and automatic (stack) storage using named variables. A procedure entry point could be declared using symbolic names for the parameters, and these names would expand to the appropriate stack reference when used in an instruction. Similarly, local stack storage could be defined symbolically and local registers saved automatically. These conventions greatly reduced the occurrance of explicit stack PUSH and POP instructions and the bugs that often resulted from them.

Finally, macros were implemented to provide control structures without explicit use of labels. Semantically, these resembled typical language IF/THEN or IF/THEN/ELSE constructs, and arbitrary nesting was permitted. As a result, a typical page of TOPS-20 code using these conventions often contained only one label -- the procedure entry point.
最後に、マクロはラベルの明示的な使用のないコントロール構造を提供するためにインプリメントされました。意味論的に、これらは、IF/THENあるいはIF/THEN/ELSEが構築する、典型的な言語に似ていました。また、任意の巣捜しが許されました。その結果、これらの協定を使用するTOPS-20コードの典型的なページはしばしば単に1つのラベルを含んでいました。―― 手続きエントリー・ポイント。

All of this made for better programming, but it did not, of course, remove dependence on the PDP-10 instruction set. Portability was not an objective we thought to be concerned with until much too late.

The KL10 Becomes a Product

The consequences of the ambitious set of new architectures were being felt by the hardware engineers as well as by us in software. As schedules pushed out, it wasn't too long before someone came up with the idea of shipping just the KL10 as a processor upgrade for existing DEC-10 systems. Dropping in new processors was, after all, well established, and it looked like a source of significant revenue well before the full DECSYSTEM-20 would be ready. As a result of this, the "1080" project and product were born.

The 1080 was the KL10 processor with adapters to connect to the KI10 external memories and IO bus. Neither external memory nor the IO bus were intended to be part of the new architecture, but in the interest of generating some revenue from the rather expensive KL10 development, the adapters were expedited. Since the 1080 was to be sold to existing customers as upgrades to existing systems, it would be delivered only with the existing operating system, TOPS-10. It didn't take much work for TOPS-10 to run on the KL10; the machine even had a mode which emulated the KI10 paging rather than the new microcode-based paging designed for TOPS-20. So, after all the original excitement around the marriage of TOPS-20 and the KL10 processor, it was TOPS-10 that shipped on the first KL10s that were sold.

The first 1080 ship in August, 1975 was the occasion for a sizable celebration in front of the Marlboro plant. The entire 36-bit product line had moved to the Marlboro plant in early 1974, and this meant that we had manufacturing as well as engineering, marketing, and all other groups in one location. Later on, this self-contained nature of the 36-bit line, along with the fact that we continued to build an architecture more and more out of the mainstream of the company, led some to refer to the 10/20 product line as "The Marlboro Computer Company".

For the 1080 ship, most of the Marlboro groups gathered for speeches in front of a large Digital truck bound for the first 1080 customer. Actually the truck was empty at the time due to a few last minute snags, but substantively the product was ready and the party commenced.

DECSYSTEM-20 Announcement and First Ship

Meanwhile, development continued on the DEC-20. With the new architectures and the speed of the CPU, the system would be a great deal more cost effective than previous systems. Because of this, the product line delayed announcing it until shortly before it was actually ready to ship. This all took place in January of 1976. The first half dozen or so DEC-20 customers were carefully selected for what would really be a field test of the new system.

For the first two or three years after the DEC-20 began shipping, it enjoyed a certain amount of favor in DEC. Even at the time of first ship however, there were clear signs that the mainstream of DEC products would be elsewhere -- the PDP-11 family was doing very well and was making a lot of money for the corporation, and design was already underway for the machine that would later be known as VAX. There was a time however, when, in retrospect, some significant history hung in the balance.

How the VAX Almost Had 36 Bits

By 1975, it had become clear that the PDP-11 architecture had topped out. In particular, the address space was too limited to support many growing applications. An effort was started to build a new machine that would sell at the upper end of the PDP-11 price range and beyond and would be the growth path for -11 users. This new machine, code-named the UNICORN, was to be based on the 36-bit architecture since there was already a suite of software available for it. Several of the most senior engineers in the PDP-11 groups began coming to Marlboro to talk about building a small -10 -- small to our way of thinking, but large in comparison to the -11 line.
1975 年に、 PDP-11 アーキテクチャーは頂点に達したことが明らかになりました。 特に、アドレス空間は 多くの成長を続けるアプリケーションをサポートするためには 制限が多過ぎるものでした。 PDP-11 の価格帯の上位あるいはそれ以上で販売し、 PDP-11 ユーザのための成長パスとなる、 新しいマシンを開発する努力が始まりました。 UNICORN というコード名がついた、 この新しいマシンは 既に利用可能なソフトウェア一式が存在していたことから、 36-bit アーキテクチュアがベースとされていました。 PDP-11 グループの上級エンジニアのうちの数人が 小さな PDP-10 の開発について議論するため Marlboro に来はじめました。 -- 我々の考え方では小さいのですが、 PDP-11 シリーズと比較すると大きいものです。

One upshot of this work was that the original design for extended addressing came under review. With more ambitious goals for business and performance, and a greater appreciation for the pain of running out of address space, the PDP-11 engineers insisted that the extended addressing design be enhanced to improve ultimate effectiveness. They convinced us that performance should not be compromised for reasons of compatibility or conversion as had been contemplated in the original design.
この仕事の結論の1つはアドレス拡張に関する独自の設計を検討することでした。 ビジネスとパフォーマンス、 そしてアドレス空間を使い果たす苦痛に対して十分に認識した 野心的なゴールを抱いていたので、 PDP-11 のエンジニアは アドレス拡張の設計が最終的な効果改善をより高めることを強く主張しました。 独自の設計を検討する過程において、 互換性や変換を理由にパフォーマンスは妥協されるべきでないことを 私たちに確信させました。

A new extended addressing design emerged which was a big improvement in the long run. It was, however, too late to be fully implemented in the initial KL10 product. The new design incorporated a 30-bit address rather than 23. It also eliminated the "special execute" because that would have added an additional cycle to every extended reference and impacted the performance of programs using extended addressing heavily. Instead, compatibility was provided based on use of the address space. The overall address space was divided into "sections" of 256 Kwords each. In section 0, dubbed the "KI memorial section", code would operate exactly as it had on the KI10, i.e. with no extended addressing possible. If the PC were in any non-0 section however, a different algorithm for address calculation would be used such that an extended address (inter-section) could be generated at any time. These differences meant that code was not strictly compatible, but the overall style and feel was much the same. In any given body of code, most instructions would not need to be changed to run in the extended environment, so we felt we still had provided a good path for migration of existing code.

Ironically, as you may have already realized, the UNICORN project never came to fruition. Within a relatively short time, a conclusion was reached that, even if a cheap 36-bit architecture machine could be built, it would not be "culturally compatible" with the PDP-11 software and applications and so would not meet the need. Instead, a core group was formed to design an architecture which would be culturally compatible with the PDP-11 but would eliminate the limitations of the PDP-11 address space. Eventually, the machine built as a result of this effort was named VAX-11, for Virtual Address eXtension of the 11. As we know however, the designers did a lot more than just extend the address space. What is not widely known is that, for a while at least, the VAX was planned to have 36 bits!

Other Effects of VAX Development on TOPS-20

Extended addressing is not the only way in which VAX impacted the first release of the -20. By the time the -20 shipped, design was already underway for VAX software as well as hardware. In an effort to reduce the plethora of different command interfaces in DEC products, a committee had been formed to specify a DEC Standard Command Language, or DCL. At the time, existing system command languages included TOPS-10, TOPS-20, and various PDP-11 systems: RSX, RSTS, RT-11, IAS, and others. As part of the emerging "one system" strategy, this new command language standard was intended to affect existing systems wherever possible and especially to guide the implementation of all new VAX software.

There were several controversial areas where the TOPS-20 example was finally persuasive and was used as the basis for the standard. For example, the TOPS-20 ordering of COPY (COPY from to) was adopted rather than the assignment style (COPY to=from) of TOPS-10 and others. In one area however, TOPS-20 agreed to a change in response to the consensus of the committee. Up to that point, TOPS-20 had continued with the TENEX practice of using semicolon as punctuation for the file generation number, e.g. NAME.EXT;3 for generation 3. Rather late in the process, it was realized that the generation didn't require a punctuation character different from that for the extension and that it would be more economical to use the same one, e.g. NAME.EXT.3. We agreed with that, even though it meant changing some code very close to the date for Release 1 of TOPS-20. Nonetheless, we did it so as not to have to face the problem of making an incompatible change in a subsequent release.

Unfortunately, the developers of the VMS software had already begun using semicolon and resisted making the change. Ultimately, the change was never made, and VMS software shipped using semicolon. The standard was amended to go back to semicolon, but TOPS-20 had already shipped using period. Thus, one small opportunity for 20/VAX compatibility was missed despite our best efforts to achieve it.

TOPS-20 During its Product Years

Although the formal end of the 36-bit product family wasn't announced until 1983, life in 36-bit land seemed precarious for many years before that. The KS10 had been built as a low-end addition to the family and shipped as the "2020" within a year or so after the introduction of the 20 line, but that would ultimately be the last new processor to be introduced. Several other were started however.

Dolphin and Minnow

One was known as Dolphin and was to be a high-end machine with performance well beyond the KL10. However, it was undertaken as a combined 36-bit/VAX development. That is, most of the engineering was intended to apply equally to a VAX or 36-bit processor, and only a little bit of architecture-specific work was supposed to be needed to turn out each machine. This, along with the other complexities of technology and performance goals, made for a project beyond the capabilities then available. Costs increased and the project got bogged down. In early 1979, the 36-bit part of the project was cancelled and only the VAX part, then called VENUS, continued and ultimately produced the VAX 8600.
1つはイルカとして知られており、KL10を越えてよく実行を備えた高額のマシンであることでした。しかしながら、それは、結合した36ビット/VAXの開発として試みられました。すなわち、ほとんどのエンジニアリングは、等しくVAXか36ビットのプロセッサーに当てはまるように意図されました。また、アーキテクチャーに特有の仕事の少量だけが各マシンを生産するために必要であると思われました。これ、技術と実行のゴールの他の複雑さと共に、そのとき能力の向こうのプロジェクトのために作られた、利用可能。コストは増加しました。また、プロジェクトは身動きがとれませんでした。1979年前半では、プロジェクトの36ビットの部分が取り消されました。また、その後、VENUSと呼ばれるVAX部分だけがVAX 8600を継続し、結局生産しました。

Another project cancelled at around the same time was a very small PDP-10 known as Minnow. This project, operating in a small backroom on the second floor of the Marlboro plant, had built a breadboard which was running well enough to demonstrate some exec mode programs. It consisted of three large PC boards: a processor board including 8 UARTS for comm lines, a memory board, and a disk controller board. These could sit on a desk top but were envisioned as residing in a deskside type cabinet with one fixed and one removable disk. Had this machine not been cancelled, I believe it would have been a significant entry in what later became the workstation market. It was not a complete workstation, since we had not anticipated the value in having an integrated display system, but it would have been a "personal" machine and a product with cost/performance several years ahead of the market.

It succumbed in part to the corporate determination to adhere to the VAX one-architecture strategy. While the Minnow product seemed attractive, it was decided that it would send the wrong message to introduce a non-VAX machine in that price range. Also, the Minnow had limited support in the 10/20 groups as well. Many people saw 36-bit machines as living only in computer rooms and surrounded with big disks and tape drives, and couldn't figure out how a small one in an office could possibly be useful. This seemed to be part of a larger conservatism that prevented or discouraged significant attempts to sustain and expand the 36-bit business.
VAX 1-アーキテクチャー戦略を厳守するために、それは一部分企業決定に負けました。ヒメハヤ製品が魅力的に見えた一方、それがその値幅に非VAX機械を導入する間違っているメッセージを送るだろうことが決定されました。さらに、ヒメハヤは、同様に10/20のグループ中の支援を制限しました。多くの人々がコンピューター室にのみ住んでおり、大きなディスクおよびテープ・ドライブで囲まれるとして、36ビットの機械を見て、オフィスの小さなものがどのように、どうしても有用になりえるか考えることができませんでした。これは、防いだより大きな保守主義の一部あるいは36ビットのビジネスを保持し拡張する落胆した著しい試みであるように見えました。

The "Going-out-of-Business" Strategy

Hence, by 1979, the 36-bit line had been essentially cancelled again [see section 1.2]. However, the corporation wasn't quite ready to declare this to the world. VAXes were doing well, but weren't quite ready to take over all of the high-end business. It was decided in the wake of the Dolphin cancellation to build one last PDP-10 architecture machine, to be called the "2080". This project would be separate from any VAX development. It would be simple, low-cost, predictable, and limited to producing a cost-effective successor to the KL10. These limited objectives led to a going-out-of-business mindset among the 36-bit groups. Ambitious or long-term plans were shelved, and projects were refocussed on short term deliverables. The only official purpose for building the 2080 was "support the current customers", i.e. don't try to grow the business.

One area affected by this was TOPS-10 and the prospects for a one-system strategy. While Dolphin development was going on, some effort was invested in considering what it would take to make TOPS-20 fully capable of supporting all the 36-bit customers. Performance studies had been done to find areas in which TOPS-20 performance was less than TOPS-10. Networking and multi-processing issues were considered. However, with the cancellation of Dolphin and the going-out-of-business strategy, there was clearly no point in working to move TOPS-10 customers to TOPS-20, so those objectives were once again discarded. Each system group continued with the development that seemed pertinent, in many cases doing essentially duplicate projects for hardware support.

Another probable casualty of limited horizons in 36-bit land was TOPS-20 SMP. The architecture of TOPS-20 was well suited for SMP because the needs of that style of operation were considered when TENEX was designed. Not only would the system have readily supported SMP timesharing, but the process structure would also have allowed user programs to easily initiate parallel activity within a single job.
36ビットの土地の制限のある地平線のもう一人の蓋然的な死傷者はTOPS-20 SMPでした。TENEXが設計された時オペレーションのそのスタイルの必要が考慮されたので、TOPS-20のアーキテクチャーはよくSMPに適していました。だけでなく、でしょう、システム、容易にSMPタイム・シェアリングを快かった、しかし、プロセス構造は、さらに容易に単一の仕事内の並列の活動を始めるユーザ・プログラムを許可していたでしょう。

The TOPS-20 product was initially not SMP because the DECSYSTEM-20 hardware was inherently single-CPU. With external memories, such as were used with TOPS-10 configurations, SMP could be supported. Indeed, TOPS-10 SMP is one of the most successful and widely studied aspects of TOPS-10. As a product decision however, the DECSYSTEM-20 would NOT be configured with external memory and so TOPS-20 could not be run on a hardware configuration capable of SMP. The 2020 was also single-CPU. Dolphin was planned to be a multi-processor machine, and SMP was included in initial TOPS-20 plans at the time, but the Dolphin cancellation eliminated that possibility for a hardware platform.
DECSYSTEM-20ハードウェアが本質的に単一のCPUだったので、TOPS-20製品は最初にSMPではありませんでした。外部メモリで、のように、TOPS-10構成と共に使用された、SMPを支援することができるかもしれません。確かに、TOPS-10 SMPは最も成功したもののうちの1つで、広くTOPS-10の様相を研究しました。製品決定として、しかしながら、DECSYSTEM-20は外部メモリで形成されませんでした。したがって、SMPに有能なハードウェア構成上でTOPS-20を実行することができないかもしれない。さらに、2020年は単一のCPUでした。イルカはマルチプロセッサマシ??aマシンと計画されました。また、SMPは、TOPS-20がその時に計画する頭文字に含まれていました。しかし、ドルフィン取り消しは、ハードウェア・プラットフォームのその可能性を除去しました。

Interestingly, TENEX was modified to support SMP, but not at DEC or BBN. A two-processor KI10 configuration was assembled at the Stanford University Medical Center, and KI-TENEX was modified to operate as a full SMP operating system by Rainer Schultz of Stanford. This system was operational around 1977 and some discussions were held with DEC about adding the SMP modifications to TOPS-20. Nothing ever came of this however, since the defined -20 hardware product never did include a possible SMP configuration.

Ambitious Plans for Jupiter

As the 2080 project continued, it followed the long 36-bit tradition of picking up a few "1-plusses" here and there. Before long, it had developed some very ambitious performance projections due in large part to planned use of pipelining techniques. The PDP-10 instruction set, being relatively simple (although not as simple as a RISC instruction set) seemed to lend itself to a great deal of pipelining, particularly if compilers could generate optimal code sequences. It began to look as if the KL10 experience might be repeated and give the 36-bit architecture a new lease on life.

Another change to the original plan was the inclusion of the DEC interconnect strategy then emerging. This called for mass storage devices to be connected via the CI and HSC controllers, and other peripherals to be connected via the ethernet. About two years into the project, the system was redefined to use these new interconnects exclusively, discarding support for massbus, Unibus, and other existing interconnects. The project was renamed JUPITER, the LCG product line was reborn, and going-out-of-business thoughts had largely vanished from the group.

Major software efforts were undertaken in connection with this. Beyond the basic hardware support, we came up with the concept of the Common File System as the means for supporting systems with multiple CPUs. Comparable work was going on in the VAX/VMS group and came to be known as Clusters. Ultimately, both VMS and TOPS-20 shipped this kind of capability. The implementations were different and reflected the differences in the two systems. VMS used a cluster lock manager as the basic method for regulating simultaneous access to files, while TOPS-20 imbedded the locking in the basic file opening primitive routines. The TOPS-20 implementation also continued to use virtual memory mapping as the paradigm for referencing files, and it is possibly the only system ever to implement distributed shared virtual memory access.

Once again, some ideas were generated around the possibility of moving to a one-operating-system strategy for 36-bit machines. For a brief period, a system somehow combining all the goodness of both TOPS-10 and TOPS-20 was envisioned. This was being called TOPS-36 so as not to make partisans of either TOPS-10 or TOPS-20 think that it was just the other one. How this might have come out is impossible to say, since no planning or design beyond general scenarios was ever done.

Most of these ambitious plans got scaled back or abandoned because it wasn't the KL10 history that was repeated by Jupiter; rather it was more like the Dolphin history. Whether the project was "1-plussed" too much or whether other avoidable mistakes were made can never be known for sure. However, after having received one major extention of time and additional infusion of development funds, the project found that it was going to need a great deal more of both. Further, some long-delayed analysis of the performance of certain common 36-bit instructions led to the conclusion that overall performance would not be up to expectations. In fact, it would hardly surpass the KL10 in some cases. It would probably have been possible to fix those problems, but the project was already way over its head and seemed mired in weekly schedule replans and indecisivness.


The early popularity of TENEX on the ARPANET was certainly a key to its later acceptance, transformation, and support as TOPS-20 by DEC. That popularity in turn seems to have been based not only on its technical features but also on the fact that it was developed within that community and was responsive to it. When TOPS-20 became a DEC product, it became part of a much larger market and thus less responsive to any particular segment of the market.
ARPANETの上の TENEX の初期の人気は明らかに その後の支持と変化、そして DEC による TOPS-20 としてのサポートの 鍵となりました。 言い換えると、 その人気はその技術的な特徴だけでなく、 コミュニティーの中で開発されており、 コミュニティーの要求に敏感に反応していたという 事実に基づいたように見えます。 TOPS-20 が DEC の製品になった時、 コミュニティーははるかに大きなマーケットの一部になりましたし、 マーケットの中のどのような個別のセグメントに対しても反応は鈍くなりました。

In addition to that, as interest in other computer architectures increased in the late seventies, many research sites came to the conclusion that they did not want to be dependent on any one vendor for either hardware or software and, instead, wanted "open" systems which would be amenable to local modification and evolution. This of course led to a rapid increase in the use and popularity of Unix. The fact that Unix was implemented in a reasonably portable language (at least as compared with 36-bit MACRO) also encouraged its spread to new chip architectures and beyond. If I could have done just one thing differently in the history of TENEX and TOPS-20, it would be to have coded it in a higher level language. With that, it's probable that the system, or at least large parts of it, would have spread to other architectures and ultimately survived the demise of the 36-bit architecture.
それに加えて、 1970 年代末には他のコンピューター・アーキテクチャーへの関心が増加したので、 多くの研究サイトはハードウェアもソフトウェアも任意の1社のベンダーに依存せず、 代わりにローカルでの修正や発展に柔軟に対応できる「オープン」なシステムを 求めるという結論に達しました。 もちろん、これは Unix の人気とその利用の急速な拡大に結び付きました。 (少なくとも 32-bit MACRO と比較して) Unix が合理的でポータブルな言語 で実装されているという事実は Unix を新しいチップアーキテクチャへ 普及させることを促進しました。 もし私が TENEX と TOPS-20 の歴史の中で1つだけ違うことができるとしたら、 高水準言語でコードを書くでしょう。 そうすることで、 システム全部、あるいは少なくともその大部分は他のアーキテクチャーに広がり、 結局 36-Bit アーキテクチャーの崩壊から生き残れた可能性が高いでしょう。

Much of the success of TOPS-20 and other 36-bit software is the result of qualities that came out of the interactive environments in which it was built and used. Over the last 10 years, the driving force in interactive environments has been moving computer power closer to the user via personal computers and workstations. For TOPS-20 to have remained in the forefront of interactive development and use, 36-bit hardware platforms would have had to be built that were small and cheap enough to go into the office, or the software would have had to be portable enough to move to other such platforms.

Although this book is about DEC's 36-bit architecture, it is clear now that hardware CPU architectures are of declining importance in shaping software. For a long time, instruction set architectures drove the creation of new software. A new architecture would be introduced, and new software systems would be written for it. The 36-bit architecture was large in comparison to most other systems which permitted interactive use. It was also lower in cost than most other systems of that size. These factors were important in the creation of the kind of software for which the architecture is known.

Now, new architectures are coming along with increasing frequency, but they are simply "slid in" under the software. The software systems are far too large to be rewritten each time, and a system which cannot adapt to new architectures will eventually suffer declining interest and loss of competitive hardware platforms. TOPS-20 didn't pass that test, although it did contribute a number of ideas to the technology of interactive systems. How far these ideas ultimately spread is a story yet to be told.